The Power of the Media and the Dependency of the Left

The media has the power to make anyone look like an idiot. They have that influence. The media can make unfounded claims about somebody, question that person’s moral character and make it sound convincing to the common person, when it’s really not convincing to anyone who takes the time to investigate. They have that power and if they target you, you can’t really defend against yourself because the media is never going to allow you to explain why you’re not an idiot.

Similarly, if the political left wants you to look like an idiot, they will since they control the media. Because so many foolish people and sheep listen to the media and take what they say as fact, it’s going to be in their minds that you’re an idiot. Which is why many good people are shy and would rather not go into politics to become trusted politicians. But we need people to fight back, charge them with being idiots and put them on the defensive.

The power of the media, Hollywood and celebrity comes into play especially in award shows and late night interviews where there are huge audiences they can preach to and cram liberal views down people’s throats. It’s prevalent throughout and across that spectrum. Most people in the media, at least the mainstream media, think the same way. They tend to be on the left politically and it shows in their “reporting.”

Actors and musical artists are the same. When they have an opportunity to express their viewpoints, they take it. It endears them to the group as a whole and immediately they’re elevated to the status of social justice warriors and media darlings.

It’s Psych 101 and the principles of Abraham Maslow, specifically the third component of his hierarchy of needs model – love and sense of belonging – also come into play. People want to belong, to be liked and belong to some sort of community. Not usually in a commune type setting but they want to have friends and associate with people who believe like them. It’s easier when they have that set of ideals in common with others around them. It makes getting through life easier.

The media need the left and the left need the media. It’s a sick relationship, really. In today’s age of social media and alternative media, however, it’s possible to combat this. It’s time sane people stand up and confront the left and the media on all the issues they champion. It’s time to turn the tables on them and expose them for the idiots they are and put them on the defensive.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

White House Press Corps Sinks to a New Low

At a White House press conference on Tuesday with President Trump’s doctor, the White House press corps (WHPC) turned the meeting into an embarrassing display of underhanded attacks.

The President’s doctor, who is a non-partisan military physician (he was Obama’s physician as well), revealed that Trump’s medical condition is excellent and that he should make it through his term with no problem. He did, though, recommend the president lose 10-15 pounds.

He also informed that Trump’s mental condition is excellent. But many in the WHPC were not having it. They poked and prodded the doctor for possible reasons Trump could actually be mentally unstable and mentally unfit to hold the highest office in the world. It was totally despicable and an indication of how some journalists on the left are truly unhinged.

It was an effort to humiliate President Trump but they actually humiliated themselves by vociferously trying to insinuate that there is something wrong with the president’s mental condition. What they actually showed is that they are the ones with mental conditions. Their ill intent goes beyond a mere dislike for the POTUS; it makes them mental predators.

They must think their efforts to bring him down will endear them to the mainstream media at large and other anti-Trump factions. Their bluster and Trump Derangement Syndrome shows a serious lack of journalistic integrity and ethic.

There’s sort of an oppositism here. Just about everything the MSM accuses or insinuates the president of is actually proven to be the opposite. The gains and real progress he’s made in his short time in office is simply unbelievable to them. This wasn’t supposed to happen this way, they feel. He was supposed to be unqualified and fail.

Even their attempts to tie his election campaign to Russia collusion have failed miserably. Indeed, some journalists are in such denial that he has been successful and continue to report the opposite. Of course they have chosen not to be connected to reality.

As Trump’s successes continue to mount, however, the left will continue to unravel.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

No Fault of Their Own?

In a meeting between the president and some members of Congress on Tuesday, Trump encouraged both Republicans and Democrats to work together. It’s a nice thought but those days of working together are long over. Much of the Q & A centered around immigration reform and as many have suspected, Democrats want to attach DACA to the legislation. Republicans seem more than willing to work with Democrats in order to get a deal done on the most important issue Trump campaigned on.

Before any legislation regarding DACA, immigration reform or a pathway to citizenship is written, however, it is in Congress’ best interest to have a discussion and a debate about what all that entails, how it’s good and how it’s bad. Arguments need to be made for and against all the issues so Americans can understand what truly is at stake. The discussion needs to start by establishing that any immigration bill needs to include at minimum a border wall, an end to chain migration, an end to the visa lottery system, an end to the anchor baby perceived loophole, a clarification of the 14th Amendment, and a guarantee that there will be no pathway to citizenship without first going through the proper channels that legal immigrants had to go through.

DACA proponents insist that DACA recipients (aka DREAMers) are here through “no fault of their own.” No fault of their own? What about no fault our own? Why are the American taxpayers obligated to foot the bill for crimes that took place, which resulted in hundreds of thousands, probably millions, of not only DREAMers, but also their families imposing an enormous drain on the economy, social system and security of this country – through no fault of their own?

Why can’t anyone point out that although it’s no fault of their own, it’s somebody’s fault, whether it’s the parents’ or others and those responsible need to pay the consequences? Authorities should be able to enforce immigration law on those who broke our laws regardless of an unconstitutional executive order from a previous U.S. president.

Another argument for keeping DACA is that ending it would break up families. Well when somebody commits a crime, that sometimes happens. When an American citizen commits a crime and goes to jail, he/she breaks up a family. When somebody comes to this country illegally, gets caught and put in jail, that person broke up his/her own family. We shouldn’t make provisions for illegal alien law breakers.

It’s so disheartening and quite pathetic really that we have a Republican Senate, Republican House and a Republican president that can’t seem to get anything positive done. They seem to be trying to cater to Democrats. But why? The Democrats don’t cater to Republicans when they’re in control. Nothing stops them from implementing their agenda.

I understand big things take time but what is Congress doing? Why aren’t plans being presented? There are enough senators and representatives that multiple things can happen concurrently. One team or committee could work on immigration, another on tax reform, some on repealing Obamacare, etc. It doesn’t have to be one thing at a time. Let’s get committees to come up with plans and present them. Let’s get the balls, plural, rolling.

Maybe the fact that things aren’t getting done shows that some Republicans aren’t willing to support Trump’s agenda and make America great. But then again, after the meeting on Tuesday I’m not sure what Trump’s agenda is anymore.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

There is no “there” there, but Mueller continues to waste taxpayer money

The “there” in the “President Trump/Russia collusion” case isn’t there, but taxpayer dollars continue to flow to an investigation that has led to the depths of nowhere.

Special prosecutor Robert Mueller, who is also a dear friend of former FBI Director James Comey, appears to have dragged his feet on this investigation and refused to admit that it has become a partisan witch hunt in an attempt to find something, anything, he could possibly use to bring charges against the president. The ultimate fantasy (goal) is and has been all along to impeach him and drive him out of office.

The fact that this investigation is partisan is significant. There is evidence that Comey stole federal documents and leaked them to a friend but he has not been charged. Gee, I wonder why.

Although there is no impeachable offense by Trump, Mueller and company continue the dog and pony show they’ve been orchestrating for most of Trump’s time in office. The original purpose of this investigation apparently was to find out if there was any collusion between Trump and Russian government officials and/or intelligence agents. Not only have they not found any collusion between Trump and the Russian government, but collusion was found between Hillary Clinton and the Russian government.

Aside from the current investigation, the fact that no charges have been brought on Clinton and her colleagues as regards her role in any number of scandals exemplifies the problem is a partisan trend.

Why hasn’t she been forced to answer pertinent questions about the massive scandal that is Uranium One?

What about the crime of using a private email server for governmental correspondence? This happened over five years ago.

What most Americans are really enraged about, and rightfully so, are the many questions that need to be answered about what happened in the aftermath of the tragic Benghazi massacre on 9/11/2012.

In the current investigation the purpose is to find out if a crime was committed. Where Hillary Clinton is concerned, many crimes have been committed. Perhaps her involvement in so many scandals should be the focus of an investigation that involves a special prosecutor and taxpayer dollars.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

Will SNL Do a Sketch About Al Franken?

Will Saturday Night Live write a sketch about Senator Al Franken (D, MN) for the sexual harassing environment he created when he posed for a picture depicting himself grabbing the breasts of a sleeping Leeann Tweeden?

Since I no longer watch SNL, both because it’s not funny and it’s unfair to anyone they don’t like, I probably won’t know unless I read about it online. I doubt they will, however. If the show was fair and balanced in their lambasting of the famous and infamous, they would at least portray Franken as the bumbling idiot on the senate floor that he is. An eloquent orator he is not.

If SNL hasn’t ventured into that territory, it must be because it’s a New York thing, or a Minnesota thing. Or a SNL alum thing. Or a raging liberal lunatic thing.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

The Texas Standard

When a good citizen grabbed his gun and rushed to prevent more carnage in the mass shooting two weeks ago at a small church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, he displayed to the country just how things should be in every state. Indeed, if all Americans were able to carry their own firearms, American communities would be much safer.

Despite the push for a widespread ban on certain firearms, modified or otherwise, guns in the hands of responsible owners would do much to protect lives. The logic of ‘less guns equals less crime’ makes sense only to those who don’t understand the nature of criminal activity. As authority on the subject John Lott points out, more guns equals less crime.

The argument should therefore be directed toward keeping guns out of the hands of felons, criminals, ex-convicts and mentally unstable people, not law abiding citizens. Although criminals will always be able to access guns on the black market, penalties should be stiffer when they’re caught.

In situations where a person with a gun, or several guns, enters a building or approaches a crowded space, more armed citizens would make it much less likely for the deranged person to carry out a mission of destruction. Those who are determined to cause crisis and chaos intentionally seek out densely populated areas that have strict gun laws. Knowing a community espouses common sense gun laws, the kind which allow citizens to carry their firearms, would-be mass murderers are likely to stay away and find a liberal-run city that is a gun-control haven.

Fortunately, some areas in Texas are safer because sensible people do sensible things like carry firearms in the public space and are able to keep the public protected. If only every city was modeled this way.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

The Oppositism of the Russia Collusion Scandal

In the psychology community we have a term called “projection.” It is a defense mechanism wherein one person projects his/her own negative attributes onto somebody else to make something seem the opposite of what it really is. For example, a person who has a drinking problem might accuse another person as having a drinking problem.

In the case of the Russia Collusion Scandal, Hillary Clinton and her team have accused President Donald Trump of colluding with Russia when, in fact, she actually did engage in collusion with Russia, as evidence continues to mount, thanks in large part to the reporting of John Solomon of The Hill and Sara Carter of Circa News, as well as Peter Schweizer’s best-selling book Clinton Cash.

Hillary Clinton and the Democrats are now up to their ears in controversy, whether they admit it or not. PR firms must be working overtime trying to perform damage control. For over a year Clinton, the mainstream media and other willing participants have done their best to spin, or actually reverse, the story, or stories, they don’t want told about their own misdeeds.

One story in short is called Uranium One. It goes back as far as 2009 and involves the Obama administration, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Attorney General Eric Holder, FBI director Robert Mueller along with Rod Rosenstein, James Comey and so many others.

In Uranium One the FBI uncovered a scheme wherein millions of dollars were apparently being laundered by Russian nuclear officials to the U.S. which benefited the Clinton Global Foundation. As a result, President Obama and then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved the exchange of 20 percent of the United States’ uranium supply to the Russians. In addition, former U.S. president Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a speech he gave in Moscow, twice his usual speaking fee.

Since the mainstream media is a perpetual campaign machine for the Democratic Party, it goes without saying that they will fiercely defend Obama and the Clinton’s at any cost. That’s why, with the exception of a few credible news outlets, the public hasn’t been able to hear the real truth. Plus, if mainstream journalists had integrity, real reporting would have exposed Hillary Clinton’s scandals before or while she was running a campaign to become the first female president of the United States.

In an effort to cover up the scandal that surely would have derailed and devastated the Clinton campaign, her team retained Fusion GPS, a Democratic opposition research firm, to dig up dirt on then candidate Donald Trump. Oppo-research is all well and good, but instead of digging up actual dirt, they paid Fusion GPS to hire former MI6 spy Christopher Steele to manufacture an anti-Trump dossier, which contained false allegations of Trump involved in extreme sexual scenarios.

To date, there has been not one iota of evidence that President Trump and his team conspired and/or colluded with Russia to hijack the 2016 presidential election. There has been, however, mounds of evidence of collusion between Hillary Clinton and Russia dating all the way back to 2009 and more recently in 2016. This is the Oppositism of the Russia Collusion Scandal. The real story is about collusion on behalf of Hillary Clinton and the Democrats, not Donald Trump and his campaign team.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

Five Weeks and Counting

It has been five weeks now that I have gone without watching any NFL games and I’m at the point of not being able to care less. But I do care about what many players are doing to divide this country.

When Colin Kaepernick started his “protest” last year by kneeling during the national anthem, he said something to the effect that he doesn’t feel proud of this country when there is police brutality against blacks and racial injustice when white police officers are not going to jail for shooting and killing unarmed blacks. Soon after these comments were made many players followed suit and joined him in kneeling during the playing of the national anthem before games.

Most fans of the game saw this as disrespectful toward the flag, the national anthem, the country and especially toward those who serve and have served in the military. Common sense doesn’t seem to get through to these players as they claim they’re not doing it to show disrespect but to protest certain injustices, as well as President Donald Trump.

Whether or not they see it as such, it’s blatantly and undeniably disrespectful. It is a lie to suggest otherwise.

When I see entire teams taking part in this “protest,” I can’t help but think that many if not most of these players just simply don’t know the facts or they’re just going along to get along. But by kneeling during the national anthem, not only are they showing disrespect, they’re alienating fans and costing teams and the league an enormous amount of revenue.

With the platform NFL players have, they could easily form a coalition and conduct a press conference to address their grievances, no matter how misguided they are, and start a proper discussion about what they’re concerned about. The media would surely give them ample airtime and valuable print space.

I’m open to a national discussion on police brutality and racial injustice. I think the country is also open to it. Prove to me that police brutality and racial injustice are systemic in America and I’ll be on your side. But if you can’t prove it, you run the risk of showing your ignorance, losing credibility and further dividing this country.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

DACA Supporters, Protesters Prove to be Criminals by Blocking Traffic on a Busy Morning

Supporters of DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), the unconstitutional executive order President Obama put in place in 2012, took to the streets of Westwood today, blocking Wilshire Blvd. at Veteran Ave., one of the busiest areas in Los Angeles, as it is close to a federal building and the University of California at Los Angeles. Following the premeditated plan to unlawfully assemble, protesters placed bunk beds in the intersection while several protesters chained themselves across the wide intersection, inhibiting traffic from moving and causing massive delays.

It all happened on Thursday, October 5, 2017, the day of the deadline for DACA recipients to renew their work permits. DACA recipients, also known as dreamers, along with supporters claim they are protesting for their “right to be human,” which is an absurdity. No one is saying they are not human. Many people are saying they are illegal aliens in this country since they and their parents came here illegally and need to be deported, the parents anyway.

Facts are facts but that often gets in the way of DACA proponents’ and pro illegal groups’ objectives. Many want the U.S. government to recognize all “undocumented immigrants” as citizens even though they have not gone through the proper channels and earned their citizenship.

It’s a huge slap in the face to those real immigrants who did it the right way, paying large fees and waiting several years to eventually take part in a ceremony where they take an oath to the United States, agreeing to abide by its laws.

Those who took part in blocking traffic did not abide by the law but committed a crime by unlawfully assembling in the intersection, according to LAPD. Their arguments, one of which is that illegals have a right to be here, are weakened when they display their unlawfulness. Good luck trying to convince President Trump and Congress that they should be able to stay.

Illegal and undocumented “immigrants” already place a massive burden on local, state and federal economies as it costs billions of dollars in education, healthcare, emergency room services and other social assistance the government provides them.

According to Angelica Salas, Executive Director of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, says that repealing DACA is a “bait-and-switch” by the government. The problem with that is that DACA is unconstitutional in the first place. It was Obama who provided the “bait.” President Trump merely “switched” it back to where it is supposed to be. Another problem is the name of Salas’ organization. No one is treating illegal aliens inhumanely. Illegal aliens aren’t “immigrants” and they don’t have rights other than to be treated humanely, which they are.

What about the humane treatment of U.S. citizens? Why are they put in a position of having to foot the bill for this? Why are many pushed out of jobs from corrupt companies willing to break the law to employ illegals for less? What about the cost in unemployment benefits the government incurs caused by illegals taking jobs away from Americans? Those are the real concerns that don’t get media’s or Congress’ attention.

Like any other hot button issue of the day, it’s time to have a conversation that includes why illegal immigration must be stopped in its tracks, why the border wall needs to be built immediately and the border secured once and for all. Until then, we don’t need to hear about “immigrant rights.”


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

The Left Quick to Politicize Las Vegas Tragedy

What led a 64-year-old man to rent a corner suite on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas overlooking the Route 91 Harvest Festival and open fire on a massive crowd of people is the question so many are asking about the senseless massacre that occurred there Sunday night.

It was an event where there was unity regardless of political affiliation, regardless of skin color, regardless of race as country music stars Big and Rich led the crowd in singing God Bless America. As headliner Jason Aldean was performing his last song and closing out the festival, shots from an automatic weapon rang out and chaos ensued, leaving thousands of festival-goers scrambling to run for cover not knowing where the shots were coming from.

Despite attendees, security and first responders coming together to help one another, many leftists couldn’t let this crisis go to waste and sought to further divide the nation. Toeing the liberal line, talk show hosts, celebrities and even politicians immediately jumped into action by politicizing the tragedy.

On Monday night, talk show hosts Seth Meyer, Jimmy Kimmel, James Cordon, Trevor Noah and Steven Colbert all used their bully pulpits to preach about gun control and to urge congress to take action. The action they’re talking about is legislating our 2nd Amendment rights, aka gun control.

Idiot savant celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Alyssa Milano, Gigi Hadid, Lena Dunham and Sophia Bush showed their ignorance by tweeting asinine comments and endorsing gun control, proving they know nothing about the issue. Some took shots at President Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan. Lady Gaga, for example, called out Trump and Ryan, insinuating they have “blood on their hands.” Others dropped F-bombs. Sophia Bush tweeted “Dear Donald. F*** you for this,” while Alyssa Milano tweeted “F*** you, @NRA.” Shame on all of them for their offensive comments.

Hillary Clinton even took the opportunity to try to stay relevant by stating, “This is nothing but pure, unadulterated greed motivated by people who want to sell as many guns as they can, to engage in a falsity of fear and rhetoric about, uh, why everybody has to have guns…you know, and, there’s just, the evidence is just so clear that more guns do not keep you safer.”

She’s wrong. More guns do keep us safer. More guns in the right hands will prevent innocent lives from being taken. Of course guns in the hands of criminals and mentally unstable people are dangerous and that should be the concern. But politicians want to circumvent the 2nd Amendment and take away our rights to own firearms and protect ourselves, our families and our loved ones.

Imagine if law abiding citizens were permitted to conceal and carry their firearms in public. Now imagine a scenario where an armed gunman or gunwoman open fired into a crowd of people. Responsible, trained and law abiding citizens could draw their firearms and prevent that criminal from killing innocent lives.

Despite the evidence that more guns save lives, some members of congress are now exploiting the Las Vegas tragedy and urging gun control legislation. The problem with this is that many congressmen and congresswomen who endorse gun control legislation know little or nothing about guns and firearms. Some have no clue about the differences between a semi-automatic and an automatic weapon and thus have no business legislating guns.

Yes, we need to be concerned about guns in the wrong hands, but sometimes there will be tragedies such as the one that took place in Las Vegas Sunday night. No amount of gun control legislation would have prevented the massacre that occurred. It’s unfortunate that those who support gun control endorse taking away the rights our founding fathers sought to secure.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at