Hi, I’m Tom Folden and CommonSenseDictates.com is a website I founded in November 2012, although it was originally called VOICERIGHT.org. A year later it was renamed RightWingWriter.com, then again renamed CommonSenseObserver in 2019, and finally changed to CommonSenseDictates in July 2020. It was established as an alternative media outlet to serve the interests of those who have grown distrustful of the mainstream media and to offer a viewpoint many people espouse but are unable to find in modern media.
As founder and editor of CommonSenseDictates.com, I am a proud American, unapologetic patriot and became one of the first TEA party activists. I had the distinct privilege of attending one of the very first TEA Party rallies on Tax Day April 15, 2009, a few months after Barack Obama and company began destroying America. It was there that I was inspired hearing Andrew Breitbart speak truth like I had never heard before. I felt a certain kinship with him because I, too, have worked in the Hollywood industry and have seen firsthand the Hollywood elite’s derision of what America stands for. So it was refreshing to hear him speak and convey to the crowd what I already knew to be true.
In addition to being a writer, I am a musician, singer/songwriter and recording artist. In the last several years I have written songs with a pro-America attitude.
For all intents and purposes, CommonSenseDictates.com is a blog to publish articles and blog posts on current topics and important issues that matter to most thinking individuals. Most articles will be written by me. Hopefully soon some can be written by contributing authors.
Please visit this site as often as you like and feel free to comment on the articles and blog posts. Also, if you have questions, suggestions or other comments, please feel free to use the Contact Us page. Enjoy the site.