As the end of the Obama administration draws closer, the end couldn’t come soon enough. With the transition in full swing, President-elect Donald Trump has been busy selecting long and short lists for cabinet, advisor and high administrative positions. While his considerations for some of these coveted spots have drawn the ire of the left, his policy positions have been driving many liberals crazy, not least of which is the current sitting president himself.
Obama stated in a news conference at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit on Sunday November 20, 2016 that he would be respectful of the new administration but won’t be shy about expressing how he feels should he feel America’s values are being threatened.
“I want to be respectful of the office and give the president-elect an opportunity to put forth his platform and his arguments,” he said.
He also made clear that “if there are issues that have less to do with the specifics of some legislative proposal or battle but go to core questions about our values and ideals, and if I think that it’s necessary or helpful for me to defend those ideals, then I’ll examine it when it comes.”
In other words, if he feels the country is moving in a way he doesn’t like, he’ll say something. It’s not the country’s values he seems to be concerned about, it’s his and the left’s philosophy of how this country should be run that’s more important to him.
Obama also complained about the frustrations he and his party feel about the election results and how the Democratic nominee won the “popular” vote but failed to win the electoral vote. This is an age-old misunderstood concept. There are those who think that winning the popular vote (i.e. the most votes overall) should win the election. But that is to misunderstand the nature of an electoral college and the genius of the forefathers who put it in place. Having an electoral college ensures that the president is elected by a best representation of the American landscape.
If there are more Democrats In America than Republicans, the popular vote total will tend to favor Democrats if they all vote. But since Republicans, which are fewer in number, are spread out across America, the electoral vote favors them since it is a more accurate representation of the country.
The 2016 election wasn’t your typical election, though.
Most of America is fed up with how Obama and the left have destroyed the economy. Obamacare is wildly unpopular, immigration, illegal and legal, is out of control, and the economy has suffered under the ruinous policies of the left. So an accurate representation of America said no to Hillary Clinton.
In this election, however, even many Democrats distrusted their party’s nominee and questioned her policies. Notwithstanding, Republicans also held on to their control of the House of Representatives as well as the Senate. It was a massive referendum on the policies of Obama and the Democrats, including Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid. Now with Reid set to retire, Sen. Chuck Schumer is set to become the Senate Minority leader, who promises to fight the Republicans “tooth and nail” on policy issues.
Eight years ago when the Democrats had control of the legislative and executive branches of government, the Republicans’ voices went unheard among the Democratic majority. Indeed, they steamrolled healthcare legislation through using backdoor tactics and stifled a proper discussion on what has become a legislative nightmare. Furthermore, they took the disrespectful and unbecoming “we won, you lost” attitude. Now that the tables are turned, what’s fair is fair.
Obama says he’ll only speak up about the new administration if he feels the country’s values are at stake. By contrast President George W. Bush reserved comment on the destructive policies of the Obama administration, which was run more like a regime. In a 2014 interview with Sean Hannity he explained why.
“I don’t think it’s good for the country to have a former president undermine a current president. I think it’s bad for the presidency for that matter,” Bush gracefully stated. “I really don’t long for publicity, and the truth of the matter is in order for me to generate publicity… I’d have to either attack the Republican Party, which I don’t want to do or attack the president, which I don’t want to do, so I’m perfectly content to be out of the limelight.”
Only time will tell if Obama has the same amount of grace and decorum that a real president has post-presidency.
Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor-at-Large of, a website for conservative viewpoints. An original participant in the Tea Party, he takes part in pro-America rallies when his time permits. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at