You Can’t Change the Unchangeable

The Supreme Court’s recent decision on the oxymoronic phrase “gay marriage” tells us a few key things. First, it tells us that Obama should have been voted out of office in 2012. Better yet, he should not have been voted into office in 2008. Of course, that is my opinion for a number of reasons and many will strongly disagree with me.

Second, it shows what happens when proponents and opponents of an issue are unwilling to engage in an honest and open debate. This is the case with many issues. It happened with Obamacare and it is happening again with the current proposed immigration reform bill.

Third, it tells us that just as our country is divided on certain issues, so is our Supreme Court. But my guess is that the Supreme court does not truly represent the values of Americans as a whole. The majority of them ignored the principle of the issue and the will of the people.

The will of the people is for the definition of marriage to be respected. Most Americans don’t want the definition of marriage tampered with. As such, most Americans don’t feel it is the role of government to meddle into the lives of its citizens and proscribe values for them. That should be left to each individual, so long as it does not harm another individual.

It is not out of hatred that the majority of Americans want to keep same-sex couples from using the institution of marriage for their civil unions. Understand that most people have nothing against gay men and lesbian women. Most couldn’t care less if same-sex partners want to be together, live together, have long-term commited relationships, and partake in everything that entails. There should be equality for everybody.

But gay people not being able to marry does not mean they are not equal. They are. Nothing about not being able to marry a partner spells inequality. Those who think this are either willfully ignorant, ill-informed, indoctrinated or all of the above.

Marriage, by definition, is the union between one man and one woman. It is not the union between two people regardless of gender. Marriage is reserved for one man, one woman groupings, no other combination, whatsoever.

The definition of marriage is unchangeable. It is what it is and cannot be added to, expounded upon or amended. It is nobody’s place to do that, not even the Supreme Court’s. Those who want to redefine marriage have complete disregard for the sanctity of marriage.

The key to understanding this issue is to understand the definition of marriage as being unchangeable.

Arguing over America – An Illegal Immigrant’s Sob Story

In Dick Morriss’ recent history video, he explains how shortly after the Civil War had ended, the South, having just lost the war and trying to save face, began a campaign to reconstruct the region along with their image. Since their defeat was tough to take, they propagandized the reconstruction, essentially making the good guys out to be the bad guys. Northerners, who came into the South to help protect blacks from the Ku Klux Klan, were seen as carpetbaggers and interlopers. In reality, they were more like social workers trying to assist the newly freed slaves in regaining their civil rights.

This propaganda campaign was even evident in the movie Gone With The Wind, where slaves were painted as cheerful and helpful nannies to the children of slave owners. What the movie portrayed was the spin the South put on slavery. However, omitted was any depiction of slave owners beating the men and raping the women.

It is much like the spin the Obama administration employs in today’s political arena. Take, for instance, the issue of illegal immigration. The Democratic establishment, along with some Republicans, have started their own campaign, painting illegal aliens, most who come from south of the border, as refugees escaping a life of hardship and lack of opportunity. The reality, though, is that illegal immigration is a net cost on the U.S. economy. Many illegals come here to commit crime, not just work and provide a better life for their families, like they would have you believe.

The mainstream media spin and the pro-illegal immigration coalition paints the illegal alien as a law-abiding citizen. Nothing could be further from the truth. For one, an illegal alien has not and is not abiding by the law by remaining here in the United States. Secondly, an illegal alien is not a citizen. It is utterly astonishing to hear advocates claim that everyone here is an American.

A new short film by Caterina Andreano uses the same propagandistic technique. Masquerading as a non-biased documentary, Arguing over America is a film about two very different individuals. It portrays Nataly, an “undocumented” college student from Ecuador, as a well-meaning individual here to study and work hard so she can provide her and her mother a better life than what they had in their home country. Joanna, on the other hand, is portrayed as an insensitive anti-illegal alien activist who is a stickler for the rule of law. Oh, that nasty, inconvenient rule of law always seems to kill the fun!

In this 25-minute film the good guys are made to look like the bad guys and vice-versa. Andreano tells Nataly’s story in an earnest and sympathetic fashion, while ignoring the disregard she and millions of others like her have for this country’s laws. The filmmaker, however, overlooks the story of Joanna and many millions of true Americans, who suffer each day because our government seems more concerned with the plight of illegal aliens than legal Americans, many who waited several years and went through the proper channels to come here. What she also doesn’t bother to mention in her movie is that many illegal “immigrants” don’t wish to become American in the real sense of the word, for they often proudly wave the flag of the country from which they come.

Further, she fails to point out the intimidation and provocation of violence by the rebel rousers on the pro-illegal immigration side. In reality, those against amnesty and illegal immigration protest peacefully while those for amnesty and illegal immigration often yell at their opponents, make racial and bigoted slurs, and incite violence. The mainstream media, however, will go to great lengths to make the good guys look bad and the bad guys look good.

What Andreano can’t hide, though, is the disrespect the “undocumented,” as they wish to be called, have for this country and the rule of law. It is clearly present in their behavior. Most freedom-loving Americans can see right through this biased documentary and will not be swayed by the sob story that is its theme.