Mass Illegal Immigration Creates Humanitarian Crisis

There’s a new card being played in the political arena today. It’s called the humanitarian card and the thousands of illegal aliens crossing over our already porous borders are forcing the federal government to play it. But make no mistake, this is an orchestrated attempt to force America’s hand.

Those responsible for creating this crisis know and are gambling on the Obama administration to have no backbone when it comes to enforcing our immigration laws. Indeed, they have already seen firsthand the ignorance and arrogance displayed by the White House and its Department of Homeland Security when it comes to such matters.

Over the past several months, thousands upon thousands of illegal aliens, most being minors unaccompanied by parents or guardians, have been crossing America’s borders through Texas, Arizona, and elsewhere, putting an enormous burden on the United States Border Patrol and other immigration agencies. Many of these summoned invaders are Central Americans from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. Ironically, they have made their way through Mexico, a country that is known for treating non-natives who trespass into their country with harsh penalties for this particular crime.

As instructed, the foreign trespassers filing into America are telling authorities that they are coming here as refugees, to escape violence and poverty. Cry me the Rio Grande, I’ve heard it all before.

This is a ploy that is being used to get the government to panic and rush to a solution. It is also a tactic that puts the U.S. in a precarious situation. On the one hand, we have tens of thousands of foreigners who have created for the U.S. a problem of insurmountable proportions. If we just turn them away, we look heartless. On the other hand, if we just excuse their criminal actions, we set ourselves up for a huge national disaster on many levels.

There are so many ways this could go wrong if we choose the latter. Many of these foreigners have brought diseases into the United States and the likelihood is very high that they will be spread if they are allowed to integrate into our society. Another problem is that they exacerbate the drain illegal aliens already are on our economy by using the social services that are reserved for American citizens, which taxpayers have paid for. Yet another problem is the drug trafficking and violence brought in. Although the media do not want to admit it, many of these illegal crossers are violent criminals.

Despite the negative effect that illegal immigration stains the country with, it’s the perfect opportunity for Democrats and those on the left, as well as many Republicans, to decry the non-fact that we need to fast-track amnesty, as Obama alluded to recently when speaking on this current issue.

True conservatives see this for what it is and understand that this is only a humanitarian crisis inasmuch as the powers-that-be have created it as such, by not doing what should have been done as soon as the illegal invaders arrived at our doorstep: turning them away, sending them back to their home countries and sending the message that the United States will not tolerate illegal immigration.

The Obama administration will not do this, however. They have not the will, nor the desire to turn away thousands of illegal aliens, not when so many Democrat votes are at stake.

Arguing over America – An Illegal Immigrant’s Sob Story

In Dick Morriss’ recent history video, he explains how shortly after the Civil War had ended, the South, having just lost the war and trying to save face, began a campaign to reconstruct the region along with their image. Since their defeat was tough to take, they propagandized the reconstruction, essentially making the good guys out to be the bad guys. Northerners, who came into the South to help protect blacks from the Ku Klux Klan, were seen as carpetbaggers and interlopers. In reality, they were more like social workers trying to assist the newly freed slaves in regaining their civil rights.

This propaganda campaign was even evident in the movie Gone With The Wind, where slaves were painted as cheerful and helpful nannies to the children of slave owners. What the movie portrayed was the spin the South put on slavery. However, omitted was any depiction of slave owners beating the men and raping the women.

It is much like the spin the Obama administration employs in today’s political arena. Take, for instance, the issue of illegal immigration. The Democratic establishment, along with some Republicans, have started their own campaign, painting illegal aliens, most who come from south of the border, as refugees escaping a life of hardship and lack of opportunity. The reality, though, is that illegal immigration is a net cost on the U.S. economy. Many illegals come here to commit crime, not just work and provide a better life for their families, like they would have you believe.

The mainstream media spin and the pro-illegal immigration coalition paints the illegal alien as a law-abiding citizen. Nothing could be further from the truth. For one, an illegal alien has not and is not abiding by the law by remaining here in the United States. Secondly, an illegal alien is not a citizen. It is utterly astonishing to hear advocates claim that everyone here is an American.

A new short film by Caterina Andreano uses the same propagandistic technique. Masquerading as a non-biased documentary, Arguing over America is a film about two very different individuals. It portrays Nataly, an “undocumented” college student from Ecuador, as a well-meaning individual here to study and work hard so she can provide her and her mother a better life than what they had in their home country. Joanna, on the other hand, is portrayed as an insensitive anti-illegal alien activist who is a stickler for the rule of law. Oh, that nasty, inconvenient rule of law always seems to kill the fun!

In this 25-minute film the good guys are made to look like the bad guys and vice-versa. Andreano tells Nataly’s story in an earnest and sympathetic fashion, while ignoring the disregard she and millions of others like her have for this country’s laws. The filmmaker, however, overlooks the story of Joanna and many millions of true Americans, who suffer each day because our government seems more concerned with the plight of illegal aliens than legal Americans, many who waited several years and went through the proper channels to come here. What she also doesn’t bother to mention in her movie is that many illegal “immigrants” don’t wish to become American in the real sense of the word, for they often proudly wave the flag of the country from which they come.

Further, she fails to point out the intimidation and provocation of violence by the rebel rousers on the pro-illegal immigration side. In reality, those against amnesty and illegal immigration protest peacefully while those for amnesty and illegal immigration often yell at their opponents, make racial and bigoted slurs, and incite violence. The mainstream media, however, will go to great lengths to make the good guys look bad and the bad guys look good.

What Andreano can’t hide, though, is the disrespect the “undocumented,” as they wish to be called, have for this country and the rule of law. It is clearly present in their behavior. Most freedom-loving Americans can see right through this biased documentary and will not be swayed by the sob story that is its theme.

Obama’s Untimely Visit to Mexico

On Thursday, May 2, 2013 President Barack Hussein Obama visited Mexico, gave a speech and met with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. When I heard the 44th president was going to Mexico to meet with the third-world president, I wondered what their conversation would entail.

Would President Obama raise the issue of illegal immigration and discuss how Mexico’s citizens and others who enter the U.S. illegally are destroying our economy, committing felonies and other criminal offenses, applying for and receiving social welfare benefits not even our own citizens can attain, and showing disrespect for the country they are unlawfully residing in?

Would he then examine each respective country’s immigration policies and compare them, seeing which one is radical and which one is reasonable? And when he realizes that Mexico’s policy is extreme while the United State’s policy is very loose, will he demand cooperation from President Pena Nieto to work toward keeping his citizens from unlawfully entering our country?

Would he remind President Pena Nieto that while Mexico keeps a tight record of the immigrants in their country, the United States’ record consists of an estimated 10-20 million “undocumented” foreigners it knows little or nothing about?

Would he iterate the fact that Mexico admits only foreigners who will be useful to its society, economy and national interests?

Would he question why foreign visitors to Mexico are not allowed to take part in the country’s internal politics, but foreign visitors to the United States are free to protest in the streets, cause obstruction and make ridiculous demands that go against the United States Constitution?

Would he raise the point that while there is an ongoing scandal involving guns and firearms sent to Mexico, known as Fast and Furious, he and Attorney General Eric Holder are at the heart of it?

Would he also mention that because he and AG Holder, along with others, are in collusion regarding this scandal, he has essentially placed a gag order on anyone in his administration from testifying to Congress about this most serious crime?

And would President Obama demand retribution for the murders of Border Patrol Agents Jaime Zapata, Brian Terry and Robert Rosas, all killed in the line of duty by Mexican nationals? Or for Jamiel Shaw and countless others killed by illegal aliens?

Would he encourage Pena Nieto to clean up the corruption in his country so that Mexicans could enjoy comfortable and rewarding lives after they take advantage of the rich resources they have that could enable them to gain wealth?

Would he reprimand President Pena Nieto for the antics and abuses by his country’s law enforcement agents against tourists and vacationers from whom they extort money and jail unnecessarily?

Would he come down especially hard on President Pena Nieto for what former U.S. Marine Jon Hammar went through while traveling through Mexico when he was arrested and imprisoned for possessing an antique shotgun he intended to register with the authorities, and demand an apology and an oath that this never happens again?

Would he condemn Pena Nieto for not doing his part in reeling in the drug traffic from Mexico to the United States and the ensuing violence and death it has caused?

Would he refuse to talk about a cooperation to find a way to import more of Mexico’s citizens into America in an effort to “reform” our own immigration system?

Would he do any of this? He would absolutely not. He would rather apologize for America’s perceived evils and keep our enemies laughing at us while our allies trust us less.

Obama has already shown his true colors and where his loyalties stand. With the so-called Gang of Eight proposing an immigration bill, he is all too eager to sell out the American people in favor of allowing millions upon millions of illegal aliens to become new citizens who eventually will be able to realize full benefits and rights of American citizenship. And when that is fulfilled there will be 10-20 million new Democratic voters.

Like many of Obama’s trips, this one was just another attempt to look good to other countries by belittling his own. The American people deserve better.

Open Letter to Senator Marco Rubio

WTP RallyI recently responded to Senator Marco Rubio’s (R-FL) request for comments and suggestions pertaining to the awful “immigration reform” bill proposed by the seemingly self-serving and so-called “Gang of Eight.” Below is my comment.

Senator Rubio,

I want to believe you but I don’t. I respected you when you came onto the political scene and appeared to be very genuine to the conservative cause. But you have let many of us down. We thought you were here to uphold the law, not to drastically change it.

We don’t need “immigration reform.” We need “immigration enforcement.” We have laws that work very well when properly and diligently enforced. Keep these laws enacted. Trash the idea of a “pathway to citizenship” and implement a “pathway back to the home country.” When there, illegal aliens can take the proper steps to become American citizens. (I’m being generous and democratic with that.)

The problem with many, if not most, illegal aliens is that they do not wish to become Americans and assimilate into the American culture. That is something that must be addressed.

Let’s not sugarcoat what illegal aliens are by euphemizing them into an undocumented status. Those who snuck into the United States are 1) illegal and 2) aliens. They are not immigrants in the correct sense of the word.

With regard to legal immigration, consider only those who are able and willing to make a positive contribution to our country. And keep control of the number that we can sensibly and economically handle.

When we need immigrants they should come here legally. Perhaps the system by which that happens can use some work, but giving up and just writing a bill that allows and rewards lawbreakers is just bad policy. It’s not good for America and especially not good for a strong national security.

The temporary worker visa program can be dealt with after properly securing the border, not with a simple fence, but with a highly guarded 20- to 30-foot wall constructed of impenetrable material.

We need to take illegal immigration very, very seriously. With all due respect, this bill does not correctly do that.

Obviously there is a lot more to securing our borders and keeping Americans safe, but this is my perspective. Thank you for the forum you’ve allowed for We the People to express our views, opinions and suggestions. It is very important that Americans are heard by their elected leaders. So please, Senator, listen to the People and take our suggestions seriously.


Tom Folden

Let the people decide

I’m always amazed at how our leaders make decisions that completely go against the will of the people. Too many bills get passed without being properly debated. Our elected officials will take a bill, dress it up and make it look nice on the surface, but it will wreak havoc on the inside.

Why do bills like that even make it through Congress? Because our congressmen and women are not listening to us. If they were they would let us in on the debate. Politicians don’t want an open debate, though, because then they would be forced to hear the truth, and they’ll have no choice but to understand the opposition to these crazy bills that are passed. That is, if they’re competent enough to understand.

But when they don’t listen, we the people end up with some awful piece of legislation the majority of us didn’t want. How is that “the consent of the governed?”

The short answer always seems to be “Well, the people do have a voice…with their votes.” So how has that worked out for us? It hasn’t. The people vote in those who look good, say all the right things and promise change. And when they get to Washington, they eventually become politicians along with the rest of those who gave in. And the people end up losing.

Take Obamacare

One of the things Obama and the left wanted to achieve when he was elected was to enact a state-run healthcare plan for the entire country, whether the entire country agreed with such a plan or not. The left already had most of their plan in place from the days when Hillary Clinton tried unsuccessfully to implement one. Thankfully, we had a Republican House and Senate that said “Oh no you don’t.”

Fast forward about 15 years and Obama enters office with a Democratic House and Senate to work with. A huge, monstrosity of a healthcare bill is compiled, some 3,000 pages of unread rules, regulations and mandates, and it gets forced through Congress with nary a debate over it.

The deceit was obvious and the arrogance blatant, but that didn’t stop the left from having their way. To them, the end was more important than the means. Now they can say they did something. Problem is, they did something really bad.

Same with immigration reform

In 1994, when Californians still had the courage to fight for their state, they passed Proposition 187 by a vote of 59-41 percent. Prop 187 was called the “Save our State” act and sought to eliminate services that illegals help themselves to. But pro-illegal alien groups, along with school districts, deemed it unconstitutional because it disabled illegal aliens from obtaining services like education and healthcare. In reality, what they essentially said is that illegal aliens should be given services that Americans pay for.

What an insult. There’s nothing unconstitutional about restricting services to those who do not belong here. And there’s nothing wrong with having the opinion that illegal aliens shouldn’t have rights that Americans worked for.

Shortly after its passage, Prop 187 was challenged with lawsuits. A federal court, unfortunately, ruled most of the new law unconstitutional. Years later when Gray Davis became Governor, he refused to appeal the federal court’s decision and that was that.

California’s leadership should have put its foot down when it had its chance. Failing to do that has only sent the message that California is an “anything goes” state. It’s exactly the kind of state special interests groups like to operate in.

With immigration, there is an eagerness among many in Congress to find a solution when a solution already exists. The solution they seek, which really equates to amnesty, goes against so much of what makes America who she is. Those who really know something about this issue are the ones who aren’t being heard. The elected leaders who get to decide the fate of this country don’t know much about illegal immigration and haven’t experienced the realities of the devastation it causes. More emphasis is placed on the plight of the foreigner than on the hardship of Americans who are affected by this illegal act.

We are, for some reason, entrusting our elected leaders to handle this very sensitive potential piece of legislation, one that will affect America and what she becomes in a most profound way, without a proper discussion about the horrendous effects on a massive scale it will have. On such a monumental issue with monumental consequences, shouldn’t we have an open debate, one that is not controlled by the media, so that every side is allowed to be heard fairly?

Another California law overturned

In November 2008, Californians passed Proposition 8, defining marriage as being between one man and one woman. The bill passed, which means that it becomes law, correct? Well, not according to those on the losing side of the issue. They complained about it and appealed it. A decision is set for June 2013.

Why do we allow this to happen? Why do we not demand an open discussion about bills that will have a major impact on Americans? Let’s have a congressional hearing on every major piece of legislation proposed. If it has to be a dog and pony show, then so be it. This needs to be done. All sides need to be heard. The American people especially need to be heard. Objectivity needs to prevail and real experts, not supposed experts, should testify and present facts for all to see.

How is it fair to be forced by government mandate to purchase healthcare insurance? That is not the government’s role. How is it unconstitutional, on the other hand, to demand that we don’t spend taxpayer money on illegal aliens? That is something that makes total sense. How is it unconstitutional that we ensure that the definition of marriage not be tampered with? We have let the few and the loud walk all over the many and the silent. The voices of we the people don’t matter much unless they’re exercised. It’s time for the silent to exercise their voices and be heard loud and clear.

Obama Minister Latest to Jump on Republican-Bashing Bandwagon

At St. John’s Episcopalian church, where President Barack Obama and his family attended an Easter service on Sunday, Rev. Dr. Luis Leon took the opportunity to try to impress Obama with the same rhetoric the president is known for. Rev. Leon said many outlandish things, but probably the most controversial thing he said was “It drives me crazy when the captains of the religious right are always calling us back…for blacks to be back in the back of the bus…for women to be back in the kitchen…for immigrants to be back on their side of the border.”

Not only is it wildly inappropriate to inject his biased political opinion into a sermon (much less an Easter service sermon), his statements are just not true. It may drive him crazy because he can find no evidence that “captains of the religious right,” as he puts it, are trying to push black Americans to the “back of the bus” or the back of anywhere, for that matter. Let’s not forget, it was the “right” who fought ardently for civil rights and to end slavery. In contrast, it was the left that created the Ku Klux Klan.

Nor would the reverend be able to find any evidence that this same “religious right” group is calling for women to be back in the kitchen. He is obviously referring to equal rights for women and that is a hot topic right now. Championing women’s issues is a great way to win adoration from the left and he apparently knows it.

As for these “captains” to want immigrants to be back on their side of the border, he should really educate himself. Immigrants are those who have gone through the appropriate channels to come to America legally. No one on the right or the left wants immigrants to go back to their side of the border. They are already on their side of the border. Illegal aliens, also called illegal immigrants, however, are on the wrong side of the border and should be repatriated to their respective home countries. There is nothing wrong and everything right with wanting people to respect and obey our laws. Many churches, though, have taken a wrong approach and favor amnesty.

Especially disturbing was his comment “The message of Easter is about the power of love over loveless power.” Well, it’s more about God sending His son Jesus Christ to earth to die for our sins and being resurrected from the dead. Where was that message in his sermon? I suppose one could make an argument that Jesus loved immensely and those who crucified Him had no love, but had power. I get that, but the message on Easter Sunday should have been that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16). That’s what the minister should have preached about, not political issues.

This scenario isn’t new for Obama. In his first run for president, his home church, Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, where he attended for 20 years, was led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright who made it a practice of preaching Black Liberation Theology (socialist/Marxist propaganda) and suggested that the United States’ policies are to blame for the tragedy of 9/11/01.

And then there was Father Michael Pfleger, who used the same Trinity United Church of Christ to make remarks mocking then Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY), who was running against Obama in the 2008 primaries. There was no reason to disparage Clinton to win favor with Obama, and possibly Jeremiah Wright and his congregation. But, apparently, he just couldn’t help himself.

It is nothing new to see Obama embroiled in controversy. It follows him wherever he goes. Had the mainstream media bothered to properly vet him when they should have, America might not have become as divided as it currently is. Fortunately, there are those of us who will take on the MSM’s duty and vet him and all others who wish to lead us, so that there’s still a chance of getting America back on the right track.

Enforcement, Not Reform

For years there has been discussion of Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR) and how to go about making it a reality. The issue has long been a hot button for both parties and continues to be to this day. Those who want CIR, mostly Democrats, left-leaning ideologues and illegal aliens, but also some naive Republicans and corporate executives, seek to find ways to essentially circumvent existing immigration laws and the Constitution of the United States.

Pro illegal immigration advocates have tried to advance the argument that illegal aliens are only coming here to work and provide a better life for their families. While that may be true to some extent, it is a naive argument. Many don’t come here to work, but to steal and commit crimes. To be certain, many do not come here to espouse the culture, lifestyle and values Americans have held for over 200 years.

Now it has gotten to the point where our elected leaders have given up on upholding the law and want to wave a magic wand to make the problem disappear. How foolish that is; the problem only worsens with that kind of approach.

Democrats know that if a CIR bill is passed into law, their party stands to benefit from 11-20 million new Democrat voters. Of course the longtime estimate of 11-20 million seems to fluctuate on a yearly basis. But it’s not that they’re so concerned about the welfare of illegal aliens, it’s more about what they stand to gain from it – more power.

Republicans, on the other hand, ignorantly think passing such a bill will put them in the good graces of those constituents who favor CIR, thereby earning their respect and ultimately their votes. Not so. This is a poorly thought out and losing proposition.

What happened to enforcing the law? Study after study shows that a majority of Americans (the operative word being Americans) support enforcing existing immigration law, not reforming it. Contrary to what Senators John McCain (R-AZ). Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) feel about the broken immigration system, creating a “path” toward citizenship amounts to amnesty. Plain and simple, amnesty is un-American and subverts the rule of law. It didn’t work when President Ronald Reagan implemented it, and it won’t work if the above senators have their way and pass their version of CIR.

If there is to be any immigration law passed, it should include the following:

1. Absolutely, NO AMNESTY. No questions asked. All illegal aliens (not immigrants, but aliens) to leave or face deportation, with or without their families, no matter how long they’ve been here. A six-month period which allows them to get their affairs in order. After that, they need to know that the law will allow for immediate incarceration, their finances seized to recoup the costs incurred and eventual deportation with absolutely no chance of ever returning legally. Additionally, the country from which they came should be billed for the costs they’ve driven up on the American taxpayers.

2. A 30-50 foot wall to be constructed immediately, lined with steel and sharp protrusions lying atop. No illegal aliens will be allowed to help construct it. American labor only. It wouldn’t take several years to complete. Completion should be one year from the bill’s passing.

3. A task force to be organized and raids to be executed in targeted and specific areas that are commonly known as havens (sanctuary cities) for illegal aliens, after reasonable suspicion and cause has been established. Cooperation from the appropriate authorities will be required. The lack of cooperation on the part of said authorities should result in harsh penalties.

4. Physical deterrents placed on U.S. territory on either side of the wall with highly visible warnings.

5. Illegal aliens found to be criminals here in the United States to be deported immediately with no chance to return ever.

6. A moratorium on legal immigration to be in effect until further notice, since the U.S., certainly various metropolitan parts of the U.S., is overpopulated and lacks labor opportunities for Americans.

7. Anyone wishing to enter after the moratorium has been lifted to undergo a thorough background check. Applications for U.S. citizenship to be processed in the order they are received. No attorney or agency privileges given to expedite citizenship. Heavy fees imposed on those applying for citizenship who had previously entered U.S. illegally, if they are able to qualify.

8. The United States to only allow qualified and competent persons into the country, those who are able to read, write and understand the English language. Only those willing to assimilate and contribute to American society, culture and values considered for entry.

9. Any company or corporation that employs illegal labor to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and heavily fined. It is imperative that these penalties are harsh in order to deter the illegal activity.

10. English to be the official language in the country. No local, county, state, or federal government forms to be written in any other language than English. That includes voter registration forms, ballots, and any public documents and notices. No interpreters provided with state or federal money.

11. No taxpayer funded social services or benefits of any kind to be given to illegal aliens. Harsh penalties for those agencies that do not comply. Mandatory audits to ensure this does not happen.

12. E-verify mandated in all states. Harsh penalties for companies and corporations that do not comply.

I realize these conditions, or suggestions if you like, seem a bit harsh to some. However, it would be of great benefit to research other countries’ immigration laws. For instance, Mexico has some of the most stringent immigration laws. Most illegal aliens are from Mexico and cross the southern border. However, it is evident that many illegals are from Central and South America, Asia, Canada, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, and elsewhere. Supporting a strict immigration system is not borne out of a hatred of any nationality, race, religion or skin color. It is of a desire to abide by America’s rule of law.

The cost of illegal immigration amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars annually. It is unfair to law abiding, tax paying Americans to be forced to bear these costs and foot the bill for those who are willfully invading and stealing from Americans. Until those who wish to ignore this massive problem get their heads out of the proverbial sand and wake up to the devastating realities illegal immigration causes and continues to do to America, then and only then will this country begin to prosper. Let’s hope it’s soon.