The Case for Implementing a Voter Identification Law

There’s nothing controversial or racist about implementing a voter identification law. It’s a necessary safeguard and a precaution to ensure that only United States citizens who are registered to vote get to vote. Does that sound unfair? Of course it doesn’t. It’s perfectly reasonable, rational and sensible. Anyone not in favor of having a voter ID law in place is not in favor of fairness.

Given the massive amount of voter fraud that is prevalent in America today, it is easily understandable that there should be measures that protect the integrity of the voting process. In fact, I would take it a step further and endorse a voter test as a requirement for eligibility to vote.  But instead of getting too ambitious, I’ll settle for just a voter ID law.

The voter ID law should state that anyone who wishes to take part in the voting process must possess and present a valid voter photo identification card in order to cast a vote. When the voter photo ID card is presented, it would be scanned for authenticity.

The necessary components of a voter ID law would include setting up a voter ID database which keeps a record of all eligible voters who are registered. Another component of the law would be the actual card. It would need to be designed so that it can interface with the database. In order to receive a voter photo ID card, a person must have proof of citizenship, a birth certificate, a valid social security card and other verifiable identification (i.e. driver’s license, state ID card, etc.).

The system would be able to recognize a social security number and tell if it is valid. So if someone with an invalid social security card attempts to secure a voter photo ID card, the system would reject it. That person would then need to be investigated and/or arrested for possessing an invalid SS card. This would prevent illegal aliens and felons from receiving a voter photo ID card. If a voter photo ID cardholder becomes a felon, that person’s status would be updated in the voter database system.

Proposing the implementation of a voter ID law has inevitably attracted opposition from the likes of the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of the world to the mainstream media, who are all on the left of the political spectrum. They all want us to buy into the notion that voter ID laws are racist. Would someone please explain to me how a voter ID law is racist? The law wouldn’t say that minority voters are not allowed to vote. It would merely ensure that those who are legally eligible to vote get to vote and those who are not legally eligible to vote do not get to vote. Again, what is racist about that? The aim is to bring integrity back to our voting process.

One complaint among opponents is that a voter ID law will impact minority voters and that, therefore, is racist. Again, how is this racist? Minority voters will have every opportunity to receive a voter photo ID card if they are, in fact, eligible to receive one. A photo identification card is required to fly, get into nightclubs, purchase liquor and more. How on earth is it unfair to require one to vote? This argument is weak at best. Because Republicans and those on the right champion this law, the left will come up with any excuse, however inane, to thwart common sense.

Much has been documented regarding voter fraud in this country, from illegal aliens casting votes to actual U.S. citizens casting multiple votes, often using the names of deceased persons. Why would anyone oppose such a measure that would bring an end to this kind of corruption? Anyone who would oppose such a measure surely must want the corruption to continue. I submit this is the very way that Obama was re-elected.

Implementing a voter ID law is in the interest of fairness and integrity. If we can put such a system in place, America could be closer toward becoming the country it was meant to be.