Not So Fast, Democrats

Today former Democratic vice-president Joe Biden was pronounced the 46th president of the United States. While this is very sobering and disconcerting to a lot of people, to others it is just the next phase of the election and the beginning of an investigation that must take place.

With mounds and mounds of evidence of election fraud, from refusing Republicans to observe the ballot count in Philadelphia, to the thousands of ballots that were marked for Trump found in inconspicuous places, to Pennsylvania unconstitutionally fixing the election laws in order to help Democrats, to “glitches” in ballot software that switched Trump votes to Biden votes in Michigan and up to 30 states, this election certainly is not over no matter who declares it so.

Additionally, the states and counties where the election controversy is occurring all happen to be Democratic. Is this just a coincidence? Is this not suspicious enough for anyone with half a brain to think something is fishy here? Of course it is. Any honest person, pundit or politician knows in his/her heart of hearts that there is an attempt to steal this election.

Last night US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito ordered late ballots in Pennsylvania to be segregated and removed from the general count. Why then has the election been decided? What happened with the ballots that were to be separated? Were they illegally counted and covertly put into the general count? There are too many questions that need to be answered.

At the onset of the “pandemic” in this country, Democrats saw another opportunity to fraud the American people. They pushed for mail-in voting to be the standard by which Americans vote. And in many states, they got their way. This created a massive opportunity for fraud.

But this is what Democrats want – an easy way to cheat.

As twice failed Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made clear to Joe Biden, “Do not concede under any circumstance,” President Trump should not concede under these circumstances. What is going on right now is nefarious. It is a coup that has been orchestrated for several months, perhaps years, to steal this election, to defraud the American people and to put Joe Biden, or whomever the Democratic candidate would be, in the White House.

Not so fast, Democrats. There is still a long way to go before a candidate is elected. There are tons of evidence that need to be reviewed and ballots that need to be re-counted. Trump deserves his rightful day(s) in court. So, not so fast.

Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at