Who is to blame for the Dallas massacre?

If you’re looking for someone to blame for the senseless and heinous crimes of the mass murder of five Dallas Police officers (so far) last night look no further than the Obama administration, at least in part. Then blame the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Then also blame the mainstream media (MSM) for their irresponsible journalism of race relations in the United States.

To be clear, the recent killings of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Philando Castile in Falcon Falls, Minnesota at the hands of white police officers appear to be completely unacceptable. But we need to wait for all the facts and a full investigation before we start the accusations. This is advice President Obama would be wise to adhere to.

But Obama did not take this advice. Instead he took to the stage, as he usually does, to continue to fan the flames of racism and spew phony statistics about how blacks are pulled over, searched, shot by police, arrested and harshly sentenced more often than whites. Of course his focus wasn’t on the obvious symptoms, like the lack of an intact family, gang affiliations and criminal behavior, it was on his perceived unfairness of the criminal justice system.

Interestingly, Obama’s administration has been the catalyst in declining race relations in America. Ironically, he promised so much “hope” in this very regard eight years ago when he was begging for our votes to become the first Black president of the United States. People voted for him so that race relations would improve. His rhetoric, however, has done the opposite and his policies have done nothing to help blacks out of the socioeconomic hole his party helped put them in.

Although there is fury on the streets when an unarmed black person is killed and white officers are involved, in the end justice is usually served. For example, the officer-related killing of Walter Scott in North Charleston, South Carolina has not been swept under the rug. North Charleston police officer Michael T. Slager has been indicted and his trial is currently set to begin in October 2016 for shooting Scott in the back as he was running away.

However, in many cases when shootings or killings occur, officers are not in the wrong, but the criminals themselves are. Unfortunately, members of the BLM movement do not see it that way and perhaps they never will.

In the case of the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in August of 2014, Brown, the criminal, brutalized Officer Darren Wilson. Only when Brown made a threatening move toward Officer Wilson was Wilson forced to defend himself and shoot Brown. In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, the lie “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot” was a seed planted within the media. Although proven to be false, the media perpetuated the lie until it grew a pair of legs and took off running.

BLM is also partly to blame for the Dallas massacre. Founded on the Hands Up, Don’t Shoot false narrative, BLM has become a force for evil instead of good. Sure, many in the group may have good intentions, but many of their protestors spew hatred for police officers, the very officers who have devoted their lives to keeping them safe and ensuring their First Amendment rights to spout off hateful slogans like “Pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon.” Do they not see the problems they cause? Their supposed objective is to fight racism, but unfortunately, the way to fight racism in America is to fight the Black Lives Matter movement.

The MSM plays a huge part in this as they also incite racism by writing stories about how bad cops are and how unfair the system is to blacks. Irresponsible journalism in the media can unfairly shape public opinion, which can, in turn, have disastrous effects on people. Their advancing of the Hands Up, Don’t Shoot lie is just one example. It is unfortunate that in 2016 we have a mainstream media that either just doesn’t get it or just doesn’t care.

As a writer and citizen journalist, I will point out the harmful and delinquent actions and attitudes of those who exhibit them. And as I’ve written in the past, I will be the first, or at least one of the first, to condemn the actions of those who exhibit racism and unnecessary police brutality against anyone of any race and defend those who fall victim to it.

The usual race hustlers disguised as “civil rights leaders” have already entered the scene. Jesse Jackson, notorious for spewing racist hate, if you can even understand what he is saying, stated this morning that Donald Trump and his followers are to blame for creating a climate of fear, insinuating that there is an “anti-black mood, anti-semitism, anti-muslim bashing, immigrant bashing, female bashing, a kind of mean-spirited division in this country.” I think that the shooter in Dallas is the one creating a climate of fear and Jackson (whom I refuse to refer to as a reverend) is one helping to divide this nation.

As we sort out the awful events that just took place in Dallas, expect more “civil rights leaders” to join in and accuse whites of institutional racism when they, in fact, have been the cause of continual poor race relations in America with their hate-filled language. To be sure, the shooter is responsible for the many deaths and emotional trauma he just caused, but rhetoric by Obama, Jackson, the BLM movement and the MSM does nothing more than fan the flames of racism.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative author, and Editor-at-Large of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. An original participant in the Tea Party, he takes part in pro-America rallies when his time permits. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

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