Obama’s Untimely Visit to Mexico

On Thursday, May 2, 2013 President Barack Hussein Obama visited Mexico, gave a speech and met with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. When I heard the 44th president was going to Mexico to meet with the third-world president, I wondered what their conversation would entail.

Would President Obama raise the issue of illegal immigration and discuss how Mexico’s citizens and others who enter the U.S. illegally are destroying our economy, committing felonies and other criminal offenses, applying for and receiving social welfare benefits not even our own citizens can attain, and showing disrespect for the country they are unlawfully residing in?

Would he then examine each respective country’s immigration policies and compare them, seeing which one is radical and which one is reasonable? And when he realizes that Mexico’s policy is extreme while the United State’s policy is very loose, will he demand cooperation from President Pena Nieto to work toward keeping his citizens from unlawfully entering our country?

Would he remind President Pena Nieto that while Mexico keeps a tight record of the immigrants in their country, the United States’ record consists of an estimated 10-20 million “undocumented” foreigners it knows little or nothing about?

Would he iterate the fact that Mexico admits only foreigners who will be useful to its society, economy and national interests?

Would he question why foreign visitors to Mexico are not allowed to take part in the country’s internal politics, but foreign visitors to the United States are free to protest in the streets, cause obstruction and make ridiculous demands that go against the United States Constitution?

Would he raise the point that while there is an ongoing scandal involving guns and firearms sent to Mexico, known as Fast and Furious, he and Attorney General Eric Holder are at the heart of it?

Would he also mention that because he and AG Holder, along with others, are in collusion regarding this scandal, he has essentially placed a gag order on anyone in his administration from testifying to Congress about this most serious crime?

And would President Obama demand retribution for the murders of Border Patrol Agents Jaime Zapata, Brian Terry and Robert Rosas, all killed in the line of duty by Mexican nationals? Or for Jamiel Shaw and countless others killed by illegal aliens?

Would he encourage Pena Nieto to clean up the corruption in his country so that Mexicans could enjoy comfortable and rewarding lives after they take advantage of the rich resources they have that could enable them to gain wealth?

Would he reprimand President Pena Nieto for the antics and abuses by his country’s law enforcement agents against tourists and vacationers from whom they extort money and jail unnecessarily?

Would he come down especially hard on President Pena Nieto for what former U.S. Marine Jon Hammar went through while traveling through Mexico when he was arrested and imprisoned for possessing an antique shotgun he intended to register with the authorities, and demand an apology and an oath that this never happens again?

Would he condemn Pena Nieto for not doing his part in reeling in the drug traffic from Mexico to the United States and the ensuing violence and death it has caused?

Would he refuse to talk about a cooperation to find a way to import more of Mexico’s citizens into America in an effort to “reform” our own immigration system?

Would he do any of this? He would absolutely not. He would rather apologize for America’s perceived evils and keep our enemies laughing at us while our allies trust us less.

Obama has already shown his true colors and where his loyalties stand. With the so-called Gang of Eight proposing an immigration bill, he is all too eager to sell out the American people in favor of allowing millions upon millions of illegal aliens to become new citizens who eventually will be able to realize full benefits and rights of American citizenship. And when that is fulfilled there will be 10-20 million new Democratic voters.

Like many of Obama’s trips, this one was just another attempt to look good to other countries by belittling his own. The American people deserve better.

One thought on “Obama’s Untimely Visit to Mexico

  1. Shannon L says:

    Not only do American citizens deserve better, they deserve a president that is also an American citizen, a vice president that is not a bumbling drunken fool, a secretary of state who is not a drunken, lying, patriot hating leftist, an attorney general that upholds the constitution and isn’t racist…I can’t even keep up with all the corruption in this unconstitutional administration.

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