The Need to Crack Down on Sanctuary Cities

Recently a 14-year old female student was allegedly raped by two young men in the boy’s bathroom at Rockville High School in the apparent sanctuary city of Rockville, Maryland. The male students were 17 and 18-year old freshmen, the latter an illegal alien. Why were these older boys in a freshman class with 14-year olds? More to the point, why was this illegal alien in school, taking precious resources from American citizens?

In 2015, Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal alien in San Francisco, a sanctuary city with defiant public officials refusing to cooperate with federal authority. The offender in the Steinle case was previously deported five times but residing in a well-known sanctuary city. These cases highlight the need to take appropriate action against all sanctuary cities because these offenses happen all too often.

President Trump’s and Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ crackdown on sanctuary cities, via an executive order issued in January, has caused an unwarranted uproar among liberals, illegal aliens and their sympathizers. Any thinking person knows that taking certain precautions is necessary in order to keep Americans safe. However, some are trying to make the ridiculous case that building a wall, securing our borders, and cracking down on sanctuary cities does nothing to keep us safe. Those who would make that argument are either brain dead or are on the side of lawlessness. There’s no other way to explain it. Logic defies their rationale.

It is especially infuriating to see so many people ignorant to the fact that illegal aliens are invading our country and causing a negative effect on our economy, society and culture. It’s not just the crime they bring in, although that is a major concern. It is also the financial strain put upon our welfare and social support systems, our roads and highways, our schools, our clinics, emergency rooms and hospitals, and so much more. These services are in place in order to take care of our own citizens, those who actually pay taxes. Illegals who come in and take advantage of our services are stealing from the American taxpayers. We all should be outraged that this is happening but somehow liberal politicians and the mainstream media have managed to control the thoughts and silence the voices of those who are actually affected by this.

The idea that opening our borders, letting in millions of undocumented individuals intent on making a new home for themselves and their families in a land with a culture that is not their own without going through the proper channels, completing the necessary documentation and learning the language and customs of our country is somehow an act of fairness is just mind boggling and indeed another example of oppositism.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

Stories the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell

For all the attention the mainstream media (MSM) give to poor and desperate people who are here illegally, who just want a better life for themselves and their families, I get that. Their stories are sometimes intriguing, heart-breaking and sell copy. There are stories, however, that the MSM won’t touch. They have to do with the real victims – those who have died at the hands of illegal aliens.

For too many years those stories have been overlooked and ignored in favor of ones that focus on families being broken up because of deportation orders. In an effort to elicit pity and gain political power, the left routinely parade out “dreamers,” those who were brought here through no fault of their own. But now things are changing. Finally we have a president who cares about the real issues as regard illegal immigration.

At a rally early on in his run for president, Donald Trump met with and brought out before the media several relatives of some of the victims of illegal immigration. They may not have too many stories written about them but their memories are kept alive by an organization called The Remembrance Project. Some of those victims include:

  • Jamiel Shaw II, who had his whole life ahead of him. A high school football star on his way to college and possibly the NFL, his future looked quite bright until it was cut short by an illegal alien just released from jail the day before.
  • Ruben Morfin, a 13-year old boy who was killed by an illegal alien gang member who asked him what he was (i.e. what gang is he in). When Ruben answered he was an American, he was shot in the head.
  • Eric Haydu Zepeda, a 22-year old who, while riding his motorcycle, was hit by an illegal alien from Guatemala who had two felony DUI convictions. He was in a coma for four weeks before being taken off life support.
  • Drew Rosenberg, 23, hit by an illegal alien at a slow speed while riding his motorcycle. As the illegal alien tried to flee the scene he ran over Drew twice.
  • Dominic Durden, 30, died at the hands of an unlicensed and uninsured illegal alien in 2012. Dominic was a 9-1-1 dispatcher for the Riverside Sheriff Department (in California) and well-liked among his friends, peers and co-workers.
  • Kate Steinle, killed on Pier 14 in San Francisco (a sanctuary city) by an illegal alien who had been previously deported five times. At 32 she had her whole life ahead of her.

There’s a reason we have immigration laws. It’s not to keep foreigners out. It’s not to keep people of certain colors, races or religions out. It’s to keep criminals and those who would do us harm out. It’s about our nation’s security and sovereignty. The reason we want secured borders is not to discriminate but to protect Americans.

If someone truly wants to become an American citizen and learn to speak, read, write and comprehend the English language at a basic level, I’m all for it. If that person wants to contribute to the American economic system and pay taxes every other American pays, or even start a business and provide employment for other American citizens, even better. Most Americans welcome that in an immigrant. The desire to achieve the American Dream is what has fueled the passion for those who’ve been coming here for centuries. There is a proper procedure, though, for immigrating here.

With President Trump continuing to keep his campaign promises, securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws can finally become a reality.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor-at-Large of, a website for conservative viewpoints. An original participant in the Tea Party, he takes part in pro-America rallies when his time permits. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

A Necessary Precaution Not Popular Among the Left

With the recent changing of the guard, as it were, there seems to be a trend in trying to undermine, malign and marginalize the new president, Donald Trump. Because he has the temerity to make necessary changes aimed at both undoing the unconstitutional executive actions of Barack Hussein Obama and protecting the American people, he gets ridiculed. There are some who ignore reality in favor of being loyal to the opposition party. There are also the clueless bandwagon jumpers-on.

One of Trump’s recent actions was signing an order temporarily halting immigration from seven predominately Muslim countries where radical Islamic jihadists (RIJ) reside. They include Iraq, Syria, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Somalia and Yemen. To be sure, the leftist media, Hollywood liberals and Democrat politicians had temper-tantrums and some became melodramatically emotional, like Senator Chuck Schumer of New York. But they can have their pity fits, this is a necessary precaution. We live in a different time and place in 2017 and we must take every step to keep RIJs out of our country. Liberals don’t seem to understand this, however. They are either blind, ignorant or both, or are willfully trying to stifle liberty and freedom.

To open the border and just allow non-vetted immigrants into the country, knowing full well the likelihood that terrorism will occur in the United States as a result, is the height of stupidity.

There are many justifiable reasons to halt immigration into this country, the number one being to protect Americans from terrorism. RIJs have already infiltrated the United States. In 2009, for example, United States Army Major Nidal Hassan murdered 13 people and injured 30 others in what’s known as the Ft. Hood massacre. In 2015 terrorist immigrant Syed Farook and his terrorist immigrant wife Tashfeen Malik shot up a holiday office party in San Bernardino, California. In 2016 a RIJ went on a terror spree at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida while he declared his allegiance to ISIS. There are myriad other examples. This executive order is not racist, xenophobic or hateful. To insist otherwise is simply ignorant.

Unfortunately, pundits and politicians alike are eager to chime in on matters they know nothing about. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, for instance, announced that immigrant “refugees” are welcome in his country. That means that we’ll need to build a wall on the northern border as well as the southern border.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor-at-Large of, a website for conservative viewpoints. An original participant in the Tea Party, he takes part in pro-America rallies when his time permits. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

Immigration Policy in a Trump Administration, Part 2

Why do we allow people to enter our country unlawfully and get away with it? We prove ourselves weak when we do that. Thankfully, we now have a president-elect who promises to fix America’s number one problem – illegal immigration and the negative effect it’s had on legal Americans, society and the economy.

In his administration, President Obama made the United States a safe haven for illegals. Activist lawyers and organizations sought to preserve the rights of illegal aliens. Well, what are illegal alien rights and who gave them these rights?

A scour of the U.S. Constitution renders no such rights. Illegal aliens don’t have the same rights as Americans. This is something made up long ago by someone or some group that perpetuated the lie long enough that generations of people now assume it’s the truth. There is nothing in the Constitution that guarantees illegal aliens special favors in this country for breaking the law, yet activist judges and tyrannical executive administrations continue to allow it.

It’s infuriating at its surface and mind boggling on a deeper level. When is fairness going to count in this country? I’m infuriated as a citizen born in the United States but I’d be extra furious if I was a citizen who came here legally to this country, after saving thousands of dollars and waiting years to get through the process. And Obama comes along with his mighty pen and signs a bill that mocks the whole process I just went through?

Those who fight for the “rights” of illegal aliens to live unlawfully in the United States make the age-old claim that they are just doing the jobs that Americans won’t do. That is a big fat lie that has been used repeatedly to somehow justify legal and illegal immigration. Newsflash: America is not in dire need of filling jobs that “Americans just won’t do.”

Aside from that, we 1) don’t need foreigners coming into America taking jobs Americans deserve first, and 2) need to be extra cautious of foreigners coming in who may be terrorists. This is a proven problem here. It’s not a racist thing. It’s not a xenophobic thing. It’s just reality.

Another falsehood of the left is that “undocumented immigrants” are living in the shadows. Really? That’s not what most of America sees on a daily basis. Drive by any Home Depot in the middle of the day or visit a sanctuary city such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Washington D.C. or New York City, to name only a few.

Perhaps the most audacious thing the left does is hide behind the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. The intent of the 14th Amendment was never to allow people from other countries to get here, illegally or otherwise, and then declare “Safe! Didn’t get me, therefore I get to stay.”

No, it was to ensure the rights of those brought here against their will, through slavery, which had been abolished, to be able to live here free with rights. Those who violated this law by coming here illegally were tWTP Rallyo be deported. Otherwise it would create a chaotic situation and an undue burden on American citizens. Anyone who takes the time to read the 14th Amendment, taking into consideration the context with which it was written, should be able to understand its true meaning. There are some, however, who willfully ignore American history and interpret it in a wildly far-fetched fashion.

With Donald Trump set to take office on January 20, 2017, the very near future looks bright as regards the issue of illegal immigration. As there are plenty of problems to be tackled at the start of the new term, illegal immigration is the top domestic one. Americans have been waiting decades for something to be done about it. With Trump, finally there’s hope.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. An original Tea Party activist, he takes part in pro-America rallies when his time permits. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

Immigration Policy in a Trump Administration, Part 1


President Elect Donald Trump won the 2016 election primarily on one issue: immigration. Sure, there were other issues that were important to voters, such as trade, repealing Obamacare, jobs and the economy, among others. Additionally, sending a non-politician, an outsider, a businessman to the White House certainly had major appeal. But it was the issue of immigration that catapulted his campaign and drove him all the way to victory.

 Now that he is headed for the White House, how will he achieve what the majority of the country wants? How and when will he secure our borders, on all sides? How and when will he begin the process of deporting illegal aliens? How and when will he go about defunding sanctuary cities? How will he deal with the companies that hire illegal aliens? In short, what will immigration policy in a Trump administration look like?

Past efforts to tackle this problem by past Congresses have been fruitless. Why? Because amnesty has usually been attached to any proposed legislation. They package it with the euphemistic title of Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  I’ve been saying for years that we don’t need “Comprehensive Immigration Reform.” We need “Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement.” Reform implies that the law needs to be changed and the system needs to be transformed into something different.

Which begs the question: Is there really something wrong with our immigration system?

No. There is only something wrong with the way we enforce our immigration laws (or don’t enforce them). Whenever immigration reform is on the table legislatively and there’s a national discussion about it at the political level it’s utterly insulting. It is a mockery and I’m offended that our so-called leaders choose to sell out 1) our heroes who fought for this not to happen, 2) those who spent the time and money to come here legally because they wanted to be Americans, and 3) all of us who have been paying taxes our entire adult lives. Yes, they tried to sell us out and in essence said, “Your concerns don’t matter. It’s these 20-30 million illegals who we care more about.”

A comprehensive immigration reform law isn’t even a law. It’s not a law that punishes bad behavior; it’s a law that rewards it. It doesn’t keep people from entering our country illegally, it allows it. What sense does this make? The only law we need where immigration is concerned is one that mandates that we secure the border, all U.S. borders, Canadian and Mexican.

Shame on all of the politicians who lent their support and voted for any amnesty plan disguised as “reform.” Let’s make Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement the hallmark achievement of the Trump administration, which would say that all illegal aliens need to be repatriated to their home countries. Their offspring? Well, it’s unfortunate, but I’m afraid they must learn to accept that their parents did a very bad thing to them. They cheated America, put their children in jeopardy and need to be punished.

And finally, maybe Comprehensive Immigration Enforcement means working with other countries to take back their citizens and charge fines for the inconvenience Americans have suffered. Maybe then this whole mess will be on a course toward being resolved. When people know that America is going to be serious about illegal immigration, they won’t be so quick to challenge us.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of, a website for conservative viewpoints. An original Tea Party activist, he takes part in pro-America rallies when his time permits. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

Amnesty Again? May It Never Be.

Suppose your favorite musician is coming to your town to perform a concert and you purchase a ticket to see the show. On the day of the show, you use your ticket to gain admittance into the venue. But once inside, a bunch of people (let’s call them invaders), who did not purchase tickets but want to see the show regardless, manage to sneak in one of several poorly guarded openings. These invaders take your seat and the seats of many others. Reasonably upset you then go to find a security person, usher or some venue official to have these people removed because, after all, they did not purchase tickets and they snuck in, which is illegal.

Obviously the invaders should be kicked out, no matter how many songs they’ve managed to sit through and enjoy. Instead of removing the invaders, however, the officials do nothing, turn a blind eye and/or make excuses as to why they should be able to be allowed to stay, sit in your seat and enjoy the show that you paid to see but they didn’t.

It gets so bad since many ticket holders have also lost their seats that a coalition begins to form to try to appeal to someone higher up in the chain of command to have the invaders removed. There is some success in finding a few security guards to sympathize, but then the management steps in and puts a stop to any attempt at having the invaders, who are in plain sight, removed. They say that there are just too many to kick out, they don’t have the resources and many of the invaders have been here a long time so it’s easier if they just make an allowance for them to stay.

Infuriating, isn’t it?

The above scenario, although an analogy, illustrates the lack of respect foreigners have for our country’s rule of law and the disdain the Obama administration, along with establishment Republicans, have for the security, safety and freedom of American citizens.

Which is why electing the right candidate this 2016 election cycle is so important.

At this point in time, Donald Trump is the front runner and appears to be the candidate who will win the Republican nomination for president. Although Ted Cruz is the strongest, and quite possibly the only, conservative in the race, if he does not win, Trump is the only other candidate who seems likely to fix the problem of illegal immigration.

Those who want to live freely and enjoy the liberties our forefathers fought and died for need to understand the importance of not electing an eGOP Republican, such as Marco Rubio or John Kasich (both whose idea of dealing with illegal immigration is to grant amnesty), and elect someone who will secure the border, build the wall and enforce our immigration laws. For the future of America and her citizens, either Cruz or Trump needs to be elected President of the United States in November 2016.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative author, and Editor-at-Large of, a website for conservative viewpoints. An original participant in the Tea Party, he takes part in pro-America rallies when his time permits. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at

Five Important Things Everyone Should Know About Illegal Immigration

The very touchy subject of illegal immigration has once again become one of the top issues currently discussed in today’s political arena. Although for years the issue has been important to many of us who care about America’s national security, sovereignty and culture, thanks to 2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump more people are being made aware of its seriousness.

The fact that illegal aliens are law breakers and thus should be deported is really not debatable. Yes, there are circumstances where we can make an exception, but those cases are very, very rare. Most people who come here illegally do so in order to take advantage of benefits and opportunities that should be reserved for legal American citizens.

Unfortunately our politicians have failed to secure our borders and enforce immigration law, which states that those here illegally must be deported. They’ve made a mockery of the law by flat out refusing to enforce it. These politicians should be relieved of their duty as civil servants because they’re not serving the public in any good way. Perhaps they need a lesson in Illegal Immigration 101. There are many solid points and sound arguments that can be made but here are five things everyone should know, especially our so-called leaders.

First, the U.S. is a nation of laws and the rule of law is of utmost importance. This precept alone is enough to make every other argument a moot point. Every person in America, legal or illegal, must adhere to it. Our very existence depends on it.

Second, U.S. immigration law does not need to be reformed, comprehensively or otherwise. It needs to be enforced. Our leaders, past presidents, the current president, past and current congressmen and congresswomen, past and current governors, state and local officials of sanctuary cities across America, have failed us in this regard.

Third, the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution does not provide citizenship to just anyone born inside the U.S. That amendment was very obviously written for the benefit of negro slaves who were brought to America against their will. It does not apply to children born to those who came here illegally (anchor babies). The amendment states that “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” Illegal aliens are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, therefore the children they give birth to do not automatically become American citizens.

Fourth, providing amnesty to those here illegally is not the answer toward solving the illegal immigration problem. Amnesty yields disastrous results and only serves to exacerbate the problem. The 1986 amnesty act is a prime example of how wrong it was to usurp the law and magically make several million illegals automatic citizens. President Ronald Reagan later regretted signing this awful bill into law.

Finally, a “path toward citizenship” for illegals (also known as amnesty) rewards illegal behavior and defeats the purpose of our immigration system. Additionally, it is patently unfair to those who immigrated here legally. It doesn’t matter how long an illegal alien has been in the U. S., that person must either leave willingly or be deported. The offense of entering the United States illegally 30 years ago is as serious as entering the United States three months ago. The same crime was committed and it is still punishable.

As there are several things to know about illegal immigration, there are several things we can and should do to thwart future offenses. We should start by securing our borders and building a wall. We also need to go after and prosecute companies that employ illegal aliens. The fines should be so stiff that they’ll never even think about committing that white collar crime again. Another step we need to take is to end sanctuary cities. Any city that turns a blind eye to this lawlessness is culpable and should not just be defunded but also heavily fined. Most importantly, we need to enforce the law and deport illegal aliens when they are detained by authorities. This means that law enforcement officers need to be free to find, detain and turn over illegals to the proper authorities for deportation.

By taking away the jobs, welfare and benefits magnet that illegals are attracted to, many will call it quits and return to their rightful home countries. Contrary to popular opinion, by the way, it is possible to deport the millions of illegal aliens who are here. It would cost less to deport each one than it would be to continue allowing them to siphon taxpayer dollars and drain the economy in the process.

Much Ado About the Truth

It’s amazing how things get misconstrued. It’s even more amazing how things are not misconstrued but deliberately taken out of context and made to look racist and xenophobic for the benefit of those who have something to gain from their own dishonesty. Such is the case with Donald Trump’s recent comments. Funny, though, how he is polling very high amidst these truthful comments.

Trump has tapped into the anger and frustration many have for the lawbreaking epidemic that is illegal immigration. There really is nothing racist, xenophobic, or even mean-spirited and nasty about what Trump said. What he said was truthful and for some the truth is uncomfortable.

It’s uncomfortable for Democrats because they rely on the Latino vote. If Democrats have to admit the truth about illegal immigration, which they rarely do, if at all, they risk losing support from Latinos, one of their largest voting blocs. The truth is also uncomfortable for the establishment GOP, RINOs and big business Republicans because they rely on cheap labor and don’t want to alienate Latinos. It shouldn’t be uncomfortable for any American, however, because any way one looks at the problem, illegal immigration is a drain on the economy and a net cost to taxpayers. That fact should be party neutral and something no American should tolerate.

A simple look at the numbers and one can plainly see the obvious and undeniable toll illegal immigration has had on our economy and well-being as a society. The numbers are really quite staggering. A study conducted by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) as recently as 2013 found that illegal immigration costs American taxpayers $113 billion. With a very generous estimate of 11.5 million immigrants here unlawfully, that amounts to $1,117 per “native-headed household,” according to the study.

The study reveals that $52 billion of the total cost goes toward educating illegal alien children. Other areas which absorb the high cost include medical services such as emergency medical care, Medicaid for children, Medicaid for childbirth and Medicaid fraud. Law enforcement is another area which drives up the cost to taxpayers. Having to arrest, investigate, prosecute and imprison illegal aliens places an undue fiscal burden on our law enforcement system. Then there are public assistance programs which include free meals, housing assistance and childcare.

Not only does illegal immigration cost taxpayers in real dollars, but the effects result in lost jobs to Americans. Every time a company or corporation hires an illegal alien, another American citizen becomes displaced. It is costing us dearly. The adage that illegals are just here to do the jobs Americans won’t do is a disproven talking point. Let’s not pretend that they’re mostly doing agricultural jobs. That is a small percentage of jobs in the workforce sector. It is the exception more than the rule.

Many people here illegally work in the hospitality, restaurant, landscaping and construction industries. These are all areas that most Americans have no problem working in. The reason many illegals get those jobs is that employers are unlawfully hiring them and taking advantage of cheap labor in the process. Yes, it is also a fault of employers breaking the law, but it is also a fact that those who are here illegally are also breaking the law. The blame goes both ways.

So when Donald Trump rightly points out what illegal immigration is doing to our economy and how it is hurting American families, he is being truthful. And what a refreshing quality in a presidential candidate for a change.

Dispelling the Myths of a Confused Congresswoman

U.S. House Representative Loretta Sanchez (D, CA) has got it all wrong. In a speech on the House floor recently, she made some ridiculous claims, each of which can be easily refuted. Speaking about a bill that Republicans have put forth on “immigration reform,” she twists the truth, confuses the issues and replaces America’s values with her own.

In this video clip, one can see how blatantly dishonest she is.

Here is some clarification on some points Rep. Sanchez tried to make that she perhaps should consider:

  1. Ronald Reagan later regretted granting amnesty to three million illegal aliens, an amnesty granted on condition of securing the border, a promise her party never made good on.
  2. If the House of Representatives has such a bill, it is not as Ms. Sanchez describes it.
  3. A message of “Deport, Deport, Deport” is a good one. Deporting those who are here illegally is what the federal government is required by law to do.
  4. Children coming here seeking refuge from extreme violence is more the exception than the rule.
  5. Mothers need not fear leaving their children when being deported. Their children can be deported with them.
  6. The notion that young children (of illegal aliens) have pledged allegiance only to one flag, our flag, is a lie and Ms. Sanchez knows it, unless by “our flag” she means the Mexican flag.
  7. If this House bill she talks about is a “secure only” and “NO to Dreamers” supplemental bill, as she claims, that is a good thing. Securing our border is the necessary first step in addressing our “broken immigration system.” Democrats don’t want a secure border, but we must have one for the sake of national security and our nation’s sovereignty. Providing blanket amnesty for all illegal aliens, on the other hand, weakens our nation and breaks down the very fundamentals a strong nation needs to survive.
  8. The core message of our country is NOT “give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” That is an inscription on the Statue of Liberty, which the French gave us as a gift. I suspect Ms. Sanchez is preaching to the uninformed, hoping to indoctrinate them in an effort to secure future votes.

What Rep. Sanchez says and how she says it is repulsive. She has taken her opinion and attempted to make it common national fact. This is who we have representing us in Congress? She’s not representing us. She’s representing illegal aliens.

Instead of the Middle Finger, How About a Debate?

While tens of thousands of people continue to pour into the United States from countries as far as El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala, to name a few, the threat to our nation’s security and sovereignty grows exponentially. This has caused many concerned citizens to wake up, rise up and organize rallies all over the country.

Normally, when there is a rally or demonstration, like those that recently took place in Murietta, California, things can get contentious. There seems to always be a few protestors on opposite sides of an issue who resort to name-calling and yelling at each other, which is not conducive to making any point. I’ve long wondered why not take the civilized route and have a reasoned debate.

At a recent freeway overpass rally, where six or so of us held up pro-enforcement signs for drivers to notice, there was a man who stood apart from the rest of us, as he was counter-protesting. Obviously, he was there to disrupt our protest, generate support for his cause, and attempt to make it difficult for anyone to accurately gauge the amount of support going in either direction.

While his sign said “Stop Deporting,” mine said “Enforcement, Not Reform” on one side, and “Amnesty Is Not The Answer” on the other. I don’t think it’s too difficult to figure out which position makes more sense. His sign suggests that we just open the borders, accept the lawlessness, and disregard the drain this puts on our economy. Mine makes concise, salient points that encourage the federal government to do the job it’s sworn to do and offer advice that, if ignored, creates a disastrous situation for the country and its citizens.

I’m always astonished when someone interprets my pro-enforcement message as harsh or heartless. The drastic situation the border patrol has been dealt calls for drastic action. Deporting those who have broken our laws does not equate to not having a heart. It’s quite the opposite, really. It might seem harsh to some but there are good reasons not to allow illegal border crossers to stay, just like there are solid reasons we follow the law: for the safety and protection of the American citizen, national security, and our nation’s sovereignty.

Some people just don’t seem to grasp the concept that the United States is a nation of laws. Fortunately, though, many do. While there were several drivers passing by the rally who gestured with their middle finger (as opposed to a thumbs down, which would have been more adult-like), support for enforcing our borders far outweighed the support for allowing unlawfulness. It goes to show you the manner in which each side takes. Those on the side of the rule of law conduct very peaceful rallies. The lawless crowd, on the other hand, hurl obscenities and middle fingers.

Instead of the middle finger, how about a debate?