Who’s Really Throwing a Temper Tantrum?

This week, President Donald Trump again threatened to let a “government shutdown” happen if Congress does not pass funding for border wall construction. A wall on the border of Mexico and the United States is something that Democrats certainly don’t want because the thought of losing an increased voting base frightens them.

Which is why Senator Chuck Schumer (D. NY) and Representative Nancy Pelosi (D. CA) tried vehemently to get Trump to abandon his attempts to attain funding for a wall. In an open meeting last week at the White House, where cameras were rolling for all the world to see, Pelosi and Schumer claimed they had a bill that would increase border security, but their bill did not include a wall. Trump rightly rejected it and said if he doesn’t get funding for a border wall he’s prepared to shut down the government.

While Pelosi pleaded with the President not to build the wall, Schumer accused Trump of throwing a temper tantrum by not giving in to their whims. But Trump sees right through the Democratic trickery. In the past, Republicans have been taken for fools, but this time Trump won’t be.

The notion that the majority of Americans don’t want a border wall to be built is blatantly false. The majority of Americans want so badly to keep illegal aliens out of the country, not because Americans hate foreigners but because here in America we live by the rule of law. If we don’t, we cease to be a sovereign nation.

Never mind that the lack of a border wall invites drugs, disease, sex trafficking and criminals into the country, unaccounted for, the effects of which are huge. Illegal aliens in the U.S. cost American taxpayers over $100 billion a year. Trump is only asking for $5 billion, a pittance compared to what we already spend.

It’s not a temper tantrum to threaten to shut down the government and insist on funding to build a wall, as Schumer claims. When there is a “government shutdown” nothing really shuts down anyway. Welfare payments are still made, Medicare payments are still made. Even most government employees still get paid. Those who are contracted government workers stop working until the shutdown ends, but that’s understood when accepting a government contracted position.

The government shutdown is just another lie the Democrats tell and a tool they use to scare Americans into thinking that Republicans are your enemy. It’s not true. The choice between a government shutdown and not funding the wall is an easy one. I say shut it down.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

Caravan or Invasion?

Like any other linguistic controversy the left creates, the word “invasion,” used to describe the caravan of migrants who have set out to invade the United States, has been deemed off limits by the PC police. So let’s compromise and call it a caravan of invaders. That’s exactly what it is.

It seems to happen every few years or so and whether or not it’s organized by George Soros or some other far left operative is not certain. But once it starts Democrats begin creating controversy, knowing they have the liberal media and other bleeding hearts to plead the case of amnesty for these poor souls who did nothing wrong but invade our country.

We hear the same thing every time, they’re coming here to seek asylum from their respective insufferable countries. But those who are coming from Central America must travel through Mexico first, so why do they not seek asylum there? Because they’re not really seeking asylum, they’re seeking the benefits and comforts of living in America.

The controversy created by the left is really an attempt to revisit the conversation on “immigration reform” in order to push a careless, ill-advised amnesty bill through the House and Senate. This way Democrats get the voters they need to give them never-ending government control and Republicans get cheap labor.

Time and again the American people have rejected amnesty in any and all forms. Not only is it a serious threat to our national security, it’s also a slap in the face to all those who waited in line and went through the process of doing it the right way, the legal way.

As I’ve been writing for years, the United States already has a system of legal immigration. We don’t need a new system and we definitely don’t need comprehensive immigration reform. We just need a stronger commitment of enforcement.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

Beware of Democratic Voter and Election Fraud

The 2018 midterm elections went as expected resulting in Democrats taking the House and Republicans holding the Senate, even gaining seats. But it comes as no surprise that for many elections that Democrats lost, whether handily or closely, they have tried to contest and steal elections from Republican winners. This is an epidemic among the left.

In Florida where Senator Ron DeSantis edged a win over Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum in the race for Governor, Gillum conceded only to rescind his concession since the margin was narrow, sending the contest to a recount. Similarly, Governor Rick Scott won his election for Senator over Bill Nelson. But since this race was also close it went to a recount. Fortunately for Floridians DeSantis and Scott both prevailed as winners.

Not so fortunate for others, however. In California, which is a Democratic stronghold, both GOP candidates Mimi Walters and newcomer Young Kim won their races only to have them overturned as more votes were somehow found. GOP Incumbent Walters had a lead of 6,233 votes and after further counting well after election night her opponent Democrat Katie Porter mysteriously led and won by 6,203 votes. Similarly, Republican Kim had a 3,900-vote lead but somehow lost to Democrat Gil Cisneros who ended up with a 941-vote lead.

Likewise, in Arizona, American Air Force hero Martha McSally led the race on election night over uber-liberal Kyrsten Sinema, but lo and behold days later half a million ballots kept coming in and Senima eventually won.

Something is very suspicious about these elections that are followed by recounts. The recounts usually result in wins for Democrats. How strange that no Republican that lost contested, asked for a recount and ultimately won the race. Only Democrats do this.

In Florida, Broward County Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes, who has regularly been at the center of election fraud controversy, has again been found to be incompetent, to put it lightly, by botching the vote-counting process. How is it that this person is allowed to have anything to do with our elections after what she has done in the past?

We have seen clear evidence of voter fraud where votes are cast by illegal aliens, deceased people and fictitious persons. Also, there have been multiple votes cast by legal registered voters. But Democrats aren’t phased one bit about it as long as the outcome is in their favor. Not only do they ignore it, they deny it happens.

There needs to be thorough investigations at the national, state and local levels for voter and election fraud. While the left claim there is no voter or election fraud, why are they so afraid to make certain there isn’t?


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

Don Lemon Plays the Race Card. Will CNN Let Him Off the Hook?

CNN opinion host Don Lemon played the race card in a very disgusting manner on Monday night. On fellow CNN opinion host Chris Cuomo’s show, Lemon stated that “we have to stop demonizing people and realize that the biggest terror threat in this country is white men, most of them radicalized to the right, and we have to start doing something about them. There is no travel ban on them, there is no ban on, you know, they had the Muslim ban, there is no white guy ban. So what do we do about that?”

How about practicing what you preach, Mr. Lemon? If we need to stop demonizing people, why did you just demonize a broad range of people, white men? My guess is that it’s “white men” who pay your salary.

In a sane world Lemon would have been castigated and ostracized by his employer, colleagues and community then sent directly to the unemployment line. A message would also have been sent that this rhetoric is not tolerated. But in this heated arena of Trump Derangement a reprimand or condemnation is a bit too much to ask.

This is not an isolated incident and the double standard is clear. Anyone knows what would happen if a white conservative media figure said the inverse. It will be very telling should Lemon still have a job by the end of the week. Based on inflammatory remarks made by his colleagues in the past, he probably will.

The liberal media is living out their fantasies vicariously through reality. They say what they want to be true, report what they imagine should happen and think everyone believes them. “News” outlets like CNN and MSNBC have become institutions of absurdity. What passes for fact is actually make-believe and their so-called reporting is laughable. It’s conspiratorial nonsense steeped in vitriolic hatred for President Trump, Republicans and especially conservatives.

Don Lemon and his cohorts are willfully fooling some, doing a disservice to this nation and making a mockery of journalism. This is why Trump calls them out on their lies and deception. It’s about time a Republican fought back.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

Kavanaugh Confirmed, Take That Democrats.

It was an unfair and grueling process of confirmation hearings and unnecessary questioning that Judge Brett Kavanaugh had to endure. Unfounded accusation after malicious insinuation about his life as a teenager and college student were made. The Democrats, many of them anyway, without anything substantial upon which to base their claims, tried to make Kavanaugh out to be a misogynistic party boy who had his way with women.

Although he vehemently denied the accusations, leftists couldn’t have cared less as they predictably played the sexist card over and over again like they usually do to those they don’t like. You see, when Democrats don’t have proof of anything, they’ll do anything.

When it was clear they had nothing to pin on Kavanaugh, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) announced she had a report which contained information about a sexual assault Kavanaugh committed over three decades ago. The report was given to Feinstein six weeks earlier but she chose to keep it confidential, long enough until it was evident that she needed to use it to try to prevent Kavanaugh from being confirmed.

The mainstream media, of course, did what they usually do, took the unverified story and ran with it, giving undeserved credibility to the accuser.

It was a coordinated attempt to thwart Kavanaugh from taking a seat on the United States Supreme Court. Because he was President Trump’s nominee, and because the left hates Trump, Kavanaugh became their prime target. With the help of a complicit mainstream media, many in the public developed a misguided anger toward a very qualified, decent man. They didn’t know a thing about him but because he’s conservative about to be confirmed they threw temper-tantrums.

This presented a dangerous situation because, unfortunately, the left is easily manipulated into violence. Thankfully, Judge Kavanaugh never gave up, got over that hurdle and was eventually confirmed as the next United States Supreme Court Justice.

Democratic senators, representatives, much of Hollywood and the mainstream media are guilty of besmirching Justice Kavanaugh and should take at least some responsibility for the threats of violence he and his family received. It is imperative that all those culpable are held to account.

Additionally, those Senate Democrats who held up the beginning of the confirmation hearings need to be severely reprimanded and lose their committee seats. Those include Sens. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Cory Booker (D-NJ), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Dianne Feinstein and others. In the future there should be even harsher penalties for this kind of disruptive behavior. For indeed, elected officials should be held to a higher standard.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

Disrupting Kavanaugh

Two weeks ago the Senate Judiciary committee held confirmation hearings to vet Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. Although his record is remarkable and his history as a judge is exemplary, Senate Democrats couldn’t keep from making a scene and fools of themselves at the onset of the hearing. Not one minute went by before Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) interrupted the opening remarks by insisting that the hearing should be delayed. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) added to the hysterics and declared himself as having an “I am Spartacus” moment. What is really confounding is why Harris and Booker are even on the Senate Judiciary committee.

Several other Democratic senators joined the classless display of antics and convinced nobody but themselves that this hearing needed to be delayed. It was an obvious ploy but it didn’t work. Senate Republicans showed an enormous amount of restraint by not properly chiding their colleagues on the other side of the aisle.

After several failed attempts to derail the confirmation hearings Democrats shamelessly played their wild card. Last week Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) presented a report on an alleged sexual assault by Kavanaugh against Christine Blasey Ford at a high school pool party thirty-some years ago. This is in typical Democratic fashion, a September surprise, if you will. It might have been taken seriously had Democrats not already thrown any shred of credibility they had down the toilet.

The fact that this claim is of an incident that supposedly happened when Kavanaugh and Blasey Ford were both teenagers is not to be immediately dismissed. However, with Democrats fearful of an overturning of Roe vs. Wade, they’ll do anything to keep Judge Kavanaugh off the Supreme Court. The only thing missing in this scenario is attorney Gloria Allred.

The real reason Democrats are disrupting the process of confirming Judge Kavanaugh is to try to carry out the process until after the November elections, at which time they hope a blue wave will sweep over the country and usher in enough new votes to keep him from becoming the next Supreme Court Justice. Their efforts, of course, are unlikely to come to fruition since Republicans will probably push the process along and vote him in anyway.

At the beginning of the hearings, several protestors were rightly arrested and removed. As for the Democrats who disrupted the hearings, they should have also been removed when they refused to come to order. Additionally, they should be reprimanded and lose their seats on the committee. This should set a new precedent for all future hearings, whatever they may be for.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

Five Things a New Attorney General Should Investigate

After eight years of Obama amassing an inexcusable amount of blunders and presiding over a scandal-ridden administration, most Americans were fed up and happily ushered in a new President of the United States in Donald Trump. As a non-politician Trump hired some qualified and some non-qualified individuals as cabinet secretaries, some who were politicians and some who were not. Some worked out, some didn’t. Some are long gone, but a few are still around. One who is still around is Department of Justice Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who at the beginning of President Trump’s term seemed promising as one who would clean up the mess the previous DOJ made and prosecute those who needed to be brought up on charges. Oddly, this did not happen the way Americans wanted. Instead Sessions recused himself from being involved in an investigation about a suspicion some DOJ officials had about Russian involvement in the 2016 election.

Now after several intimidating and ridiculing tweets from President Trump about AG Sessions’ inability and/or neglect to do his job, it appears that he may be on his way out. If so, here are five things a new AG should immediately investigate.

Operation Fast and Furious

You might think that a covert operation as serious as Fast and Furious, where firearms were trafficked to drug cartels in a misguided scheme to then track them so they can disrupt drug traffickers operating in the U.S., would spark a huge outrage when it turned into a fiasco and went unpunished. The previous administration was knee-deep in the corruption, then Attorney General Eric Holder and President Barack Obama clearly possessing knowledge of the operation.

Prevailing wisdom should suggest that the next legitimate administration would properly investigate and get to the bottom of this since it failed to get too far past Obama. Now that there’s a new Attorney General, it’s disheartening that justice still has not prevailed.

If not for the American people, who have a right to know what the Obama/Holder DOJ was up to, if not for the integrity of our nation’s security and trust in the American people, at least do it for the family of Border Patrol Agent Bryan Terry, who was shot and killed by a cartel member using one of the firearms involved in the Fast and Furious firearms sale.

Embassy Attack in Benghazi

On September 11, 2012 our embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked and led to the brutal murders of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other State Department officials by Libyan rebels. It all happened on Obama’s and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s watch, although they do not wish to hold themselves responsible for it.

Prior to the attack, Ambassador Stevens had warned Clinton of the impending danger and requested support. Sec. Clinton refused to send the adequate support that was desperately needed. To make matters worse, special agents in the area were told to stand down and not take action. To make matters even worse, the Obama administration went into damage control mode, manufacturing a story that the attack was a spontaneous outbreak arising from the anger they had about an anti-Muslim YouTube video some young kid in America made. This was obviously false but the State Department still went with it and the mainstream media ran with it. On the Sunday morning news programs following the attack, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice fed the lie to the American public.

It’s time for Clinton and others to be held responsible.

IRS Targeting of Americans for their Political Beliefs

When Obama entered office in 2009 many were not happy about it but were willing to give him a chance to prove he was up to the task of running the most powerful country in the world. It wasn’t long before people regretted their decisions. It became clear that Obama was going to push for universal health care, raise taxes and distribute the earnings of hard-working Americans to non-working Americans. As a result, more people became welfare recipients, more people depended on food stamps and America’s debt grew by several trillions of dollars.

As soon as American citizens noticed the doom our country was headed for, conservatives and others formed groups and organizations, largely attached to the movement known as the TEA party, to protest and try to stop Obama’s liberal agenda. Under the adopted acronym Taxed Enough Already, the TEA Party was an outpouring of justifiable anger and frustration at what Obama and his administration were beginning to do.

The Obama administration realized their agenda was wildly unpopular with most of the American public, but they were undeterred. They ignored the will of the people and as punishment for their discontent, Obama apparently ordered the Internal Revenue Service to go after various Tea Party, freedom-loving and Pro-America groups, making it difficult for them to achieve tax-exempt status as non-profit organizations and thereby hindering the groups from launching successful campaigns against leftist candidates running for office.

This was clearly an abuse of power by a non-elected bureaucracy and nothing short of tyranny. Former IRS Director Lois Lerner went before the House of Representatives in a hearing but refused to answer questions, asserting her Fifth Amendment right. She and others have not been held accountable for their outrageous actions and need to be.

Uranium One

It’s hard to classify or rate in order of importance the many scandals of the Obama administration. Indeed, each is uniquely egregious. But one that is especially bothersome is Uranium One and involves the illegitimate deal made by the Obama administration with the involvement of then Secretary Hillary Clinton and husband former President Bill Clinton.

In short, the deal included a Russia state-controlled nuclear energy firm acquiring 20 percent of the United States’ uranium in exchange for several millions of dollars funneled to the Clinton’s. A side deal included a speech in Moscow given by Bill Clinton for the measly price of $500,000.

But the fact that so much of America’s uranium was bartered off to a hostile regime is at the height of scandalous. It compromises America’s national security interests. The non-chalantness of the Obama administration should concern us all. With so much evidence, how is it that this case has not been prosecuted?

The adage is not overused in that if a Republican had been involved in such a covert action, high ranking and low ranking Democrats would be calling for their heads. The hyperbole would be spewed and it would be rightly warranted. But this happened on Obama’s watch and has gone nearly unnoticed by any Democrat, especially the mainstream media. If the MSM was the conscience of the people it claims to be, why won’t they report on this? A few of us know why.

Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

Violating the Espionage Act of 1913 is a serious offense. Hillary Clinton likely did just that by allowing national defense information to be “lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed through gross negligence.” But Hillary Clinton, for all her crimes, seems to have been given a pass at every turn. It is high time the American public sees her in cuffs and shackles doing a perp walk to her cell in a federal penitentiary if she is found guilty. She is not above the law. Indeed, many people have been convicted and are serving hard time for far less.

Upon becoming Secretary of State, a position she was not qualified for, Clinton and aide Huma Abedin had a private server set up in a secret room in a Clinton office in Manhattan in order to keep certain facts hidden and untraceable. She must not have realized that in today’s high-tech environment there are people who can hack into a personal server like no one’s business.

There are several more things a new Attorney General should investigate but these five are an important first start. It’s unfortunate that Jeff Sessions, a decent human being, can’t or won’t perform his duties, especially when so many people had high hopes for him to do so. So many people need to be called to answer for their involvement in Obama administration scandals from Hillary Clinton to Susan Rice to Eric Holder to Lois Lerner to James Comey to Jim Clapper to John Brennan and even Barack Obama. With a new Attorney General, perhaps some justice will finally be served.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

The Twofold Strategy of the Left

For over a year and a half the resistance, which include Democrats, the mainstream media (MSM) and the deep state, among others, have kept President Donald Trump and his supporters under attack. It all started the night he won the presidency, the night Democrats were highly embarrassed and MSM anchors sat behind their desks with dumbfound and stunned looks on their faces.

Upset that Hillary Clinton was defeated fairly and squarely in the 2016 election, Democrats have conspired to take out President Trump by pretending that he and his campaign team colluded with Russian agents to steal the election. Not content with accepting that Barack Hussein Obama was a terrible president who turned this country in a direction that was aimed for disaster, and that Hillary Clinton ran a horrible campaign, Trump’s enemies devised a plan to derail the presidency. It’s nothing new, it’s what the left does when they don’t get their way.

Recall that in the year 2000 when George W. Bush won the election fairly and squarely the left went mad and caused a scene demanding a recount in Florida. They came up with some pretty ridiculous excuses for why this election was invalid. Hanging chads became a household term to describe the piece of paper still attached to the ballot when a hole is punched through it. That somehow caused the count to be off. Another excuse was that elderly voters in certain Floridian districts became confused and selected Bush instead of who they really wanted: Al Gore. And who is to determine who they really wanted? If they had “accidentally” selected Gore, would Democrats be so upset?

What they conveniently missed, however, are the many ballots by servicemen and servicewomen who notoriously vote Republican. But those votes didn’t serve their purpose so they were ignored. Of course, Bush eventually was proven the winner and the left has claimed that the election was stolen ever since.

Because requesting a recount of the 2016 election would have been too obvious, the left came up with the devious notion that Trump and his team must have worked with Russian agents to steal this election. One way the Trump campaign team did this, they claim, was by manipulating some algorithms in Facebook to place ads, or something.

Without a shred of evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia, not that collusion is a crime, an investigation promptly commenced. Fake Republican and former FBI Director Robert Mueller was appointed as the Special Prosecutor and heralded as a “straight shooter.” Time would eventually tell that he, indeed, was no straight shooter, as his team consisted primarily of Clinton and Democratic donors.

Month after month the Mueller investigation team failed to produce anything to remotely prove what they were assembled for. They did, however, manage to dig into former campaign chairman Paul Manafort’s past and find possible tax evasion fraud from 2005, which he recently has been convicted of. But no evidence of Trump/Russia collusion, and still the investigation (witch hunt) goes on.

There have been tons and tons of evidence and reporting that should have blown this whole phony investigation out into the open but the corrupt MSM refuse to report on it. Instead they stick to their story that Trump colluded with Russia. The real story, that reporters Sara Carter of Circa Media and Jonathan Solomon of The Hill have been so influential in breaking, is that the Clinton campaign team hired Christopher Steele to concoct a dossier that cites falsehoods about Trump and Russian hookers. This phony dossier was used to attain a FISA warrant to spy on Carter Page, a former Trump campaign advisor. This all happened under the Obama administration.

With the help of a complicit and activist MSM, the left have successfully managed to drive a false narrative, push fake news and keep from reporting the truth. It all plays into their corrupt strategy, which is twofold. On the one hand, the left is attempting to find something on Trump so they can impeach him and withdraw him from office. On the other hand, they want to tie up his presidency with a sham of an investigation so that he can’t get anything done and won’t be able to fulfill his promises.

The left is threatened by Trump but it doesn’t stop him. As hard as they try, he keeps fulfilling promises he made on the campaign trail. From implementing tax reform to eliminating massive bureaucratic regulations to recognizing the capital of Israel and opening the embassy in Jerusalem to repealing the unconstitutional mandate of Obamacare to ending the disastrous Iran deal to starting to build the wall on our southern border, Trump is making real progress America hasn’t seen in decades.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

Protecting Illegal Criminals Over American Citizens

March 8, 2018

“What the mayor of Oakland (Libby Schaaf) did the other day is a disgrace,” said President Donald Trump today in a cabinet meeting where he addressed a number of issues. One issue of major importance is the defiance of Schaaf and California Governor Jerry Brown, who have put California and American citizens in grave danger. So important is this issue that it prompted Attorney General Jeff Sessions to make a trip to Sacramento and announce a federal crackdown on California’s lawlessness.

Having declared California a sanctuary state, Brown chided the Attorney General for coming to Sacramento to make clear that California does not have the authority to make such a declaration nor will it get away with it. Brown also stated that it is unprecedented that Sessions would come with aggression and make war with California. What’s unprecedented is Brown’s defiance of federal law. Just because he declares California a sanctuary to illegal aliens, criminal or otherwise, doesn’t make it so and now Sessions is wisely cracking down on the lawlessness of Brown, Schaaf and many others who favor protecting illegal immigrants over keeping Americans safe. (And no, illegal aliens are not Americans, contrary to what many pro-illegal activists claim.)

Proponents for the rule of law have long waited for the federal government to come in and straighten out the crooked administration of California. For decades California has aided and abetted illegal aliens, ignored the problem of unemployment due to illegals taking jobs away from Americans and allowed illegal alien criminals to get away with murder, sexual violence, human trafficking, fraud and many other crimes. It’s about time.

Although Governor Brown has been an adamant supporter of criminal aliens, Oakland Mayor Schaaf has been making a name for herself recently where harboring illegal criminals is concerned. What Schaaf did is worthy of prosecution. Last week she made headlines when she announced to her community that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) was planning raids to arrest those who were serious threats and in violation of federal law.

Any sane and normal person would feel good about ICE’s efforts to do their jobs and protect Americans. Apparently the liberal activist Oakland mayor has no qualms about letting criminal aliens roam free to commit horrible atrocities and hurt families in the process. It is this attitude that caused Kate Steinle to be murdered in the neighboring community of San Francisco almost three years ago.

How many more senseless tragedies committed by illegal aliens must California and the United States go through before something is done to thwart the violence perpetrated on American citizens? For their defiance of federal immigration law, obstruction of justice and putting Americans and law enforcement officers in danger, Governor Brown and Mayor Schaaf should be brought up on charges and face prison time. A message needs to be sent that rogue elected officials are not free to get away with harboring illegal aliens and letting their crimes go unpunished.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.

The Power of the Media and the Dependency of the Left

The media has the power to make anyone look like an idiot. They have that influence. The media can make unfounded claims about somebody, question that person’s moral character and make it sound convincing to the common person, when it’s really not convincing to anyone who takes the time to investigate. They have that power and if they target you, you can’t really defend against yourself because the media is never going to allow you to explain why you’re not an idiot.

Similarly, if the political left wants you to look like an idiot, they will since they control the media. Because so many foolish people and sheep listen to the media and take what they say as fact, it’s going to be in their minds that you’re an idiot. Which is why many good people are shy and would rather not go into politics to become trusted politicians. But we need people to fight back, charge them with being idiots and put them on the defensive.

The power of the media, Hollywood and celebrity comes into play especially in award shows and late night interviews where there are huge audiences they can preach to and cram liberal views down people’s throats. It’s prevalent throughout and across that spectrum. Most people in the media, at least the mainstream media, think the same way. They tend to be on the left politically and it shows in their “reporting.”

Actors and musical artists are the same. When they have an opportunity to express their viewpoints, they take it. It endears them to the group as a whole and immediately they’re elevated to the status of social justice warriors and media darlings.

It’s Psych 101 and the principles of Abraham Maslow, specifically the third component of his hierarchy of needs model – love and sense of belonging – also come into play. People want to belong, to be liked and belong to some sort of community. Not usually in a commune type setting but they want to have friends and associate with people who believe like them. It’s easier when they have that set of ideals in common with others around them. It makes getting through life easier.

The media need the left and the left need the media. It’s a sick relationship, really. In today’s age of social media and alternative media, however, it’s possible to combat this. It’s time sane people stand up and confront the left and the media on all the issues they champion. It’s time to turn the tables on them and expose them for the idiots they are and put them on the defensive.


Tom Folden is a political strategist, conservative thinker, and Editor of RightWingWriter.com, a website for conservative viewpoints. A human rights activist, he is a firm believer in the Constitution and the rule of law. He is also a singer/songwriter and recording artist. For interviews and/or appearances, please contact him at spencergroup@hotmail.com.